The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) is appalled by anti-Christian messages on two election campaign billboards and wants the Election Commission to pull them down.
Describing such acts as despicable, CFM chairperson Dr Eu Hon Seng said the message pits the Muslims against Christians by spreading fear and scare tactics over the issue of 'Allah' where the Kuala Lumpur High Court has allowed its usage as part of the right to freedom of religion.
"CFM and other Christian leaders have in the past said that bumiputera Christians, whose only common language is Bahasa Malaysia, have used the Bible in BM and the word 'Allah' for centuries, without any resistance until recently.
"Hence, it is extremely mischievous and malicious to pit Muslims against Christians, who have always enjoyed good relationship, to gain political points with such blatant misinformation," Eu said in a statement.
"Christians and all right-thinking Malaysians should rightly condemn such inflammatory election campaign billboards and all such campaign materials.
"We strongly urge the EC to immediately remove such billboards and materials.
"The authorities should investigate and charge the persons responsible," Eu said, urging Malaysians to also report such billboards or campaign materials to the police.
The billboards carry the message "Do you want to see your grandchildren praying in this Allah’s house?" and two pictures of churches with the cross and the words “"Gereja Allah".
However, CFM did not state the locations of the billboards.
Describing such acts as despicable, CFM chairperson Dr Eu Hon Seng said the message pits the Muslims against Christians by spreading fear and scare tactics over the issue of 'Allah' where the Kuala Lumpur High Court has allowed its usage as part of the right to freedom of religion.

"Hence, it is extremely mischievous and malicious to pit Muslims against Christians, who have always enjoyed good relationship, to gain political points with such blatant misinformation," Eu said in a statement.
"Christians and all right-thinking Malaysians should rightly condemn such inflammatory election campaign billboards and all such campaign materials.
"We strongly urge the EC to immediately remove such billboards and materials.
"The authorities should investigate and charge the persons responsible," Eu said, urging Malaysians to also report such billboards or campaign materials to the police.
The billboards carry the message "Do you want to see your grandchildren praying in this Allah’s house?" and two pictures of churches with the cross and the words “"Gereja Allah".
However, CFM did not state the locations of the billboards.
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