Wednesday, October 27, 2010






至於说“即使圣经是‘人为’的,那又如何呢?”则矫枉过正了。这句话,与世界各地正统华人教会 的信仰立场,是不相符的。是的,“基督徒的信仰不只是建立在圣经上,还要包括生活中经歷上的爱”,这说明两者是不可分割的,却也同时指出“圣经”和“爱” 对基督徒信仰的绝对和必要性。


另外,欧阳文风在《人在纽约》专栏批评美国人的宗教固执,所提现象是存在的,但这种列举对方负 面资料,不提正面实例,而一味冷嘲热讽的批评,是有欠公平的。而“美国人”是指哪些人?包括白人、非洲裔、南美洲裔、亚裔各国移民人士吗?我认识许多各族 美籍基督徒,也拥有高尚的信仰和道德情操。他们虽然“择善而固执”,却也同时具有爱与宽容……。





Monday, October 25, 2010

Government debt in 2009 more than 50pc of GDP, says audit

October 25, 2010

Najib said the total debt had been reduced but the Auditor-General’s report shows otherwise. — File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 25 — Malaysia’s government debt for 2009 rose to RM362.39 billion or 53.7 per cent of GDP, its highest level in five years, according to the Auditor-General’s report released today.

The Auditor-General said in the report that this was the first time the debt to GDP ratio had breached the 50 per cent mark.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had said in Parliament in June that Malaysia’s total debt had been reduced in 2009 to RM233.92 billion from RM236.18 billion in 2008.

Najib had also said that the debt to GDP ratio for 2009 was only 34.3 per cent, up from 31.9 per cent in 2008.

But today’s Auditor-General’s report said that the government debt had risen largely due to domestic debt.

“The debt ratio to GDP at the end of 2009 is 53.7 per cent, the highest level in five years and over 50 per cent for the very first time,” said the report.

The report stated that from 2005 till 2008, there was a general decline in the ratio between the government’s debt to the GDP.

It was 48.2 per cent in 2005, 42.3 per cent in 2006, 42.8 per cent in 2007 and 41.4 per cent in 2008.

The main reason behind the high debt last year, according to the audit report, was due to an increase in the government’s domestic debt.

“Towards the end of 2009, the unsettled domestic debt and foreign debt amounted to RM362.39 billion, an increase of RM55.96 billion (from 2008’s RM306.44 billion) due to an increase in domestic debt.

“The government’s domestic debt totalling RM348.60 billion is 96.2 per cent of the total debt of the federal government last year,” said the report.

The report also showed a decline in the government’s foreign debt — from RM26.91 billion in 2005 to RM13.77 billion last year — while domestic debt steadily increased from RM201.76 billion in 2005 to RM348.6 billion in 2009.

In his June parliamentary reply, Najib had moved to quell fears raised by a minister that Malaysia would one day go the way of Greece and Iceland and become a bankrupt nation.

In a written response to a question by Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timor) in Parliament, the PM gave an assurance that the government was taking steps to ensure that Malaysia’s debts would be reduced and maintained at a manageable level.



彭真牧师提及他相信真理越辩越明,为此在探寻真相的过程中,让我们互相学习,希望越辩越有智慧!针对彭牧师的文稿,我想简单扼要给予以下4点回应:一、对於 中世纪时期教会逼迫科学家一文,是发生在哥白尼、伽利略的时代。当时正逢教会黑暗时期,罗马教皇掌控权力,人利用宗教作为统治的工具。你可以说当时的教会 盲目迷信、误解圣经的原意,或有意歪曲圣经原意来达到政治目的。这都是人对付人的惨剧,这也导致了后来宗教改革的发生,当中也有许多基督徒被迫害和焚烧。其实圣经在以赛亚书40:22里都清楚的指示地球是圆的。

二、对於圣经支持奴隶制一文,不管中文圣经对“奴隶”或“僕人”的用词如何,两者都是降服在主 人的权力之下。彭牧师举出的以弗所书6:9和哥罗西书4:1里都有提到:“你们作僕人的,要顺服你们的主人﹔你们作主人的,要待你们僕人如同弟兄一般。” 这段经文可以看出圣经对人权的尊重。旧约时代的奴隶买卖非常普及,当时的人们还没有办法、成熟度去废除奴隶制度时,圣经已经超越时代的限制,把人与人彼此 尊重、相爱的人性的尊严表现出来。(参:《神权、人权、政权》,唐崇荣牧师著)三、彭牧师提出对信仰必须明白,不能迷信。的確,基督教不是迷信的宗教,这 也是为甚么基督徒都努力研读圣经,藉著圣经得智慧、成长。虽然当中有文盲无法看懂圣经,但並不代表他们不以圣经来建立信仰。


四、彭牧师指出基督教是开明的,事实上没有人规定不能在公共领域討论基督教,圣经中也记载耶穌 多次与告他权柄的宗教领袖辩论圣经问题。言论自由带来不同意见之交流,公开谈论的过程中难免有爭议,但批判能促进进步;在传播伦理上,言论自由的前提是要 对言论负责,因此在对於攸关公共利益的重要议题时,就要有所选择,或在討论前谨慎处理与查证,以免成为譁眾取宠的话题。



Saturday, October 23, 2010


各位弟兄姐妹,我终于等到这一天了,因为同性恋牧师欧阳文风终于露出他的尾巴了 - “因为基督教不是唯一真理”。请保存这份很重要的证据,以便日后有机会跟他辩论时用到。他在吉隆坡已经有一间同性恋教会,他是属新神学派的,却又是泛神论,所以没有资格代表正统基督教。



2010-10-22 19:02






根据丕优的民调,美国很多基督徒,完全不知马丁路德是基督教改教领袖,完全无知於基督教源於天 主教的事实,而基督教是“造反”后的结果或產物。在我国,这种基督徒一样不少。每一次听到一些基督徒说这不行那不行,“因为这有违传统”或“我们绝对不能 违背传统对圣经的解释“,我就觉得特別好笑,因为他们完全无知於他们之所以是基督徒而非天主教徒,根本因为当年有人违反传统。基督教的传统就是改革,所以 基督教亦被称为有別於天主教的改革宗(Protestant)。诉诸传统的人不瞭解自己的传统,是可悲还是可笑?


美国和我国一样,是世俗国,强调宗教与政治分家。但诉诸圣经影响国策的爭论,还是时有所闻。在 共和党和茶党的政治集会中,我们还是可以看到一些人举著牌子,上面写著“支持上帝,支持共和党”,或“相信上帝,支持美国”等口號,至於只能诉诸圣经而反 对同性婚姻的共和党人,就更多了。还有那些以上帝之名,视攻伊和攻阿富汗为神旨的共和党人,至今仍然不少。


在纽约做牧师,我常受邀到各教会讲道,或有时上电台接受访问,总不忘对美国人说,你们不必成为 基督徒,如果对这信仰不是很瞭解,做一个善心的人比做基督徒更重要!如果你觉得其它宗教,更能在理性、知性、灵性与感性上引起你的共鸣,你应该选择信仰其 它宗教,不必成为基督徒,因为基督教不是唯一真理我对马来西亚读者,亦如此说。















本星期一副刊《焦點》轉載了《製造耶穌―史上 No.1暢銷書的傳抄、更動與錯用》的作者巴特葉爾曼問答摘錄,隨後即接到一位讀者來函指“副刊並非學術機構,並不適合討論學術性課題,在篇幅上也難以提 供此類學術性、複雜性課題全面論述的空間”;隨後也聲稱“有相當大的一群某宗教徒對活力副刊編輯的走向、策略一直來都非常關注,深深認為副刊有某一些隱藏 的議程,對某些團體的觀點、立場




若說副刊有“隱議程”,這是莫須有的指責,有必要說明:《活力副刊》在辦任何心靈活動、甚至選用任何稿件,只考慮“導人向往美好和善良,淨化心 靈”,從沒有任何見不得光的“隱議程”。最好的證明是,當適合讓各宗教代表一併同台交流的活動時,我們都同時邀請佛教、基督教和天主教代表一起同台演講, 如最近舉行的“談鬼講座”、“臨終關懷”生死學講座皆如此;而副刊隨後也用同等的篇幅來報導法師、神父和牧師對同一課題的看法。


針對有關巴特葉爾曼問答摘錄一文,文橋傳播中心(一基督教團體)總幹事黃子先生來函說“我已請陳金獅院長也寫一篇回應,希望可以在《生命樹》或其他 版位刊登,您以為如何?”我馬上回函:“當然可以,這是一個言論開放的時代,對於該書作者的看法,歡迎任何人寫稿來《生命樹》討論。只要文中不要含人身攻 擊即可。期待來稿!”








曾先生说:“副刊《焦点》经常刊载话题/课题性文章,只因《製造耶穌》是个具爭议性的话题,故 此刊登。”其实,宗教的问题是非常敏感的,处理不当不单只不会促进和谐,反倒引起爭端。若只因是话题而刊登,那若有人批判可兰经的错误或佛学旁支对正信佛 教的错误解说,也是个话题,副刊会否刊登呢?那就不单只是因话题而刊登,而是要有抉择的智慧。

曾先生说:原书作者观点如何並不代表副刊的立场。这其实不是关乎代不代表副刊立场的问题,而是 关乎刊登这类文章是否会引起负面的影响,或伤害到某些宗教信仰者。並且又因这课题报章不可能提供深入探討的篇幅,以致最后只能由编辑一句话:此课题之討论 到此告一段落,草草收场。这对这课题所引起的爭辩,以致可能所伤的和气是非常不智、不负责任,也不公允的。

避免在不適合的场合(如星洲日报非学术性期刊)討论这些学术性的问题,並不是“对自己的信仰不 具有信心”或“故步自封”,若曾先生以这样的心態看待这问题,那就太幼稚肤浅了。之所以不適合在报章上討论,是因为篇幅有限,难有深度、广度並引经据典地 论述。再者,参与討论者也不一定具有相应的学术性知识或资格,以致所发表的观点对有识者来说,是浅薄的甚至是貽笑大方的。为何要无端端地去捅蜂窝,让旁边 的人被蜂所螫刺呢?基督教曾经在最恶劣、最受迫害的环境下(中国、前苏联、东欧)滋长,这须要对自己的信仰具很大信心的!









些 宗教领袖不接受內部跟外来的挑战,岂不成了宗教霸权吗?就像在中世纪有些科学家说,地球绕太阳转,而非太阳绕地球行时,当时的宗教领袖说:圣经是神所启示 的,圣经说:“地球永不动摇”(诗篇93;104:5;约书亚记10:13)圣经说一就是一,结果科学家不是被烧死就是被逼收回言论。


从旧约到新约支持奴隶制的经文多的是:出埃及记21:2-6;利未记25:44-46;歌罗西 书4:1;3:22;以弗所书6:5;彼得前书2:18-20(这是奴隶主最喜欢引述给奴隶听的一段经文,不少奴隶主在主日聚会请牧师將这类的经文讲给奴 隶听。)教会支持奴隶的原因是,因为圣经支持奴隶制。公元340初期教会的大公会议明言:“任何人如果教导任何奴隶不尊重和不侍奉主人,这是可咒诅 的。!”这句话被教会不断引用长达1400年。直至1890年,李奥八世才正式谴责奴隶制。









Friday, October 22, 2010


《悔改與和解:目前中國社會唯一的出路 —— 基督徒恭賀劉曉波先生榮獲2010年諾貝爾和平獎之公開信》簽名

悔改與和解:目前中國社會唯一的出路—— 基督徒恭賀劉曉波先生榮獲2010年諾貝爾和平獎之公開信



之所以感到欣慰,就是劉曉波先生的獲獎不僅僅是他個人的事,乃是代表中國新一代以1989年六四運動爲標記的、追求自由和民主的真正愛國的良知分子得到了 國際社會的公認和支持。這一和平獎不僅是授給劉曉波先生個人的,也是授予所有六四受難者的。劉曉波先生參與1989年六四學生民主運動,幷且積極促成學生和平撤離天安門廣場,避免了更大規模的流血,後多次被捕入獄,但對自由與民主之理想和事業始終矢志不渝;2008年發起《零八憲章》運動,主張非暴力、有序性的政治和解與民主改革,于2009年被一黨專制下的法庭扭曲法律本意、判處有期徒刑十一年,剝奪政治權利兩年。劉曉波先生爲中國自由和民主大業義無反顧,九死不悔。如今獲得諾貝爾和平獎是實至名歸,當之無愧!

之所以感到痛苦,是因爲劉曉波先生仍在監獄之中,仍然飽受與其夫人劉霞女士和其他家人、朋友分離之苦;在辛亥革命推翻清朝皇帝專權將近100周年之際,多 達十四億人口之巨的大陸中國人民仍然生活在一黨專政所造成的人治的腐敗和禍害之下,這實在是全體中國人民莫大的悲哀;劉曉波先生一向主張以和平、漸進、有 序的方式走向自由和共和,却因言獲罪,被判處十一年徒刑,本身就是中國大陸宗教自由、言論自由、集會自由等基本自由和人權沒有得到基本保障的集中體現;也 是百年以來亞洲各國中率先擺脫皇權專制的國人同胞忍受到如今的奇耻大辱!

之所以感到謙卑,就是因爲身爲基督徒,我們知道人人都是有限的罪人;我們在道德地位上幷不居于可以對別人進行審判和定罪這種居高臨下的地位;同時,長期以來,華人基督教會對社會公義問題的忽視和淡漠,對政治問題的怯懦和逃避,比如六四運動、計劃生育、城鄉歧視等,表明我們幷沒有按照耶穌基督的吩咐,自覺地充分地在這個世界上發揮光與鹽的作用。上帝的心意就是:唯願公平如大水滾滾,使公義如江河滔滔。(《聖經阿摩斯書》524節)。教會不僅應當堅持 聖經無謬,傳講以基督爲中心的讓人悔改的福音,也應當就社會公義問題發出良心的聲音。因此,中國的悔改應當首先從基督教教會、從每個基督徒的悔改做起!

之所以感到感恩,是因爲上帝幷沒有按照我們的過犯來對待我們;在中國大陸體制內外仍有許多真心追求自由與民主的剛勇之士;世界上仍有許多真心關注、熱愛中國人民的國家、民族、教會和個人;挪威諾貝爾和平獎評委會在目前中國政府的一再施壓的情况下,毅然决然地把2010年和平獎授予劉曉波先生,表彰其長期 地以非暴力的形式爲基本人權奮鬥之艱辛,這無疑是對二十一世紀中國民主運動的激勵。我們感謝挪威諾貝爾和平獎評委會不畏强權、堅持真理的義舉!中國人民 在爭取自由和民主的艱辛歷程中幷不孤獨!

劉曉波先生强調:如果沒有上帝,中國就沒有希望!” “中國人的悲劇,就是沒有上帝的悲劇。他深刻地意識到基督信仰對于中國大陸和平、有序地轉向自由與民主、憲政與共和的道路具有不可取代的重要價值和地位,我們欣喜地看到劉曉波先生在與專制極權的長期抗爭中汲取了從基督信仰而來的寬容與和解的精神。我們內心最深切的期盼就是劉曉波夫婦能與我們一同蒙受耶穌基督的救贖大恩,成爲上帝的兒女。耶穌基督的救贖大恩不僅是個人生命重生的根基,也是我們中國社會和文化浴火重生的根基。願耶穌基督的恩典成爲身陷囹圄的劉曉波先生心靈最大的支持和安慰!

作爲基督徒,我們深信:悔改與和解是目前中國社會的唯一出路!天國近了,你們應當悔改!(《聖經馬太福音》417節)。目前中國社會在經濟上有巨 大的進展;在法治建設和人權保障上,與文化大革命時期無法無天的現象相比,已經有了長足的進展。但在一黨專政、道德頽廢、民族矛盾、城鄉差异等問題上,長 期舉足不前,其癥結之一就是政治改革的極端滯後。要突破目前的困局,個人和群體都當爲自己的犯罪而真誠悔改,幷且尋求在悔改的基礎上達成個人、群體之間的 和解與共融,消除暴力、內戰、分裂的內在毒根和外在土壤,擺脫中國歷史上一再出現的以暴易暴的惡性循環。

我們深信,上帝造人是按照祂自己的形象創造的,每個人都具有來自上帝的不可剝奪的自由和尊嚴;同時,上帝也把治理全地的權力賜給了每個人(《聖經創世 記》126-28節)。家庭、教會和國家都當根據個人的同意而自由結合,幷且以保障和促進個人的自由和幸福爲主要目的。因此,任何個人和組織都不得依靠暴力和强權淩駕于其他人之上,假借主義國家民族之名肆意踐踏個人的尊嚴和權利。二十一世紀必然是中國真正走向自由、民主、法治、共和的世紀,任何以暴力和謊言歪曲真理、强奸民意、奴役他人、踐踏人權的個人和群體都會受到至高上帝公義的審判。


  1. 呼籲中國政府尊重法治原則和法律本意,糾正錯誤判决,無條件地釋放劉曉波先生,使其早日與夫人劉霞女士團聚;釋放其他一切因爲宗教和政治主張而被關押的良心犯;
  2. 呼籲全世界一切歸在基督之名下的聖而公之教會,尤其是海內外華人教會和基督徒,爲自身在社會公義問題上的冷淡而悔改;繼續高舉耶穌基督幷祂釘十字架,忠心地爲中國的悔改、和解與重建祈禱;
  3. 呼籲中國共産黨認罪悔改,放弃踐踏人權的極權統治,還政于民,以《零八憲章》爲基本框架,公開六四真相,尋求社會和解,建立自由與民主政府;
  4. 呼籲全世界各國政府和人民繼續爲中國的社會和解與和平轉型努力;只有擺脫專制制度,尊重個人尊嚴和權利,走向自由與共和,融入世界民主大家庭,中國才能長治久安,成爲世界各國人民的祝福;
  5. 祈求上帝賜給我們每個基督徒堅持真理、捍衛公義的愛心、智慧和勇氣,好使我們爲上帝的醫治和饒恕、公義和憐憫早日臨到神州大地而不懈努力!





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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do we need another skyscraper?

Finance Minister cum Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has tabled the 2011 budget. It amounts to RM212 billion which is the highest ever in Malaysian history.

Unfortunately with the huge sum of money to be spent, it does not benefit the people at large. Does Najib have the determination to reform the country? The budget is obviously a General-Election-Budget. Our Foreign Direct Investment is dwindling, yet the budget was not FDI friendly.

With the plan to build a 100-storey tower, Warisan Merdeka, which will cost RM5 billion, Najib may be trying to convey a message that our economy is booming and we have the capability to spend on mega projects. Pretense will not save the country but honesty does. The fact is, Malaysia is billions of Ringgit in debt and where are we going to get the money? I am afraid that the government has overly strained the EPF which was constantly being persuaded into investment partnership.

During those days when the former PM Dr. Mahathir wanted to venture into building the highest building in the world, there was much objection from the general public but to no avail. I am afraid that we could only do little thing to voice out again should BN win the next GE as Najib has justified himself over his action.

The Twin-Towers (KLCC) has nothing to do with me who am a not-high-profile person. Likewise there are plenty of people in the street like me who do not benefit from skyscrapers. They are for the rich and mighty! There is still plenty of office space available in KLCC after so many years of existence. So it will be heart-breaking to see RM5 billion from the treasury going down into the drain over another white elephant project.

It was the pride of Dr. Mahathir who wanted to put his fame known to the world. Malaysia is just a speck of dust in the world map. Our tourism did not flourish because we had the highest towers. Singapore has nothing more attractive than we but yet it surpassed us in the number of tourists each year. One skyscraper was already a mistake, let alone another one?

It is good news to hear that highways would freeze toll hikes for the next five years. But the bad news is that the government needs to fork out RM5 billion for compensation! Whose money? The tax-payers’! Why was a contract signed in favor of the highway company instead of the people? Cronyism has eroded Malaysia!

Najib has wanted the talented citizens who are working overseas come back to serve the country, but his budget has no plans to attract them. Until and unless our government is sincere in practicing meritocracy, his idea will only be remained as an idea forever!

Millions of Ringgit will also be spent in hiring 375 English teachers from England and Australia. How effective this could be? 375 teachers are likened to a drop of water in a 50-meter swimming pool! Our standard of English has dropped tremendously lately. It is embarrassing to tell that most of the students graduated from government universities cannot speak proper English.

English is a very important language. One of the reasons why our universities are declining in world ranking is the poor command of English, since most of the library books are in English. For long benefits’ sake, I would suggest that the government bring back the English-medium schools system.

I hope that Najib will spend the country’s treasury wisely. It must be targeting on creating opportunities for people to play a role in nation building, irrespective of their race or status.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Chilean Miners' Altruism Defies Darwinian Explanatio

The spirit of Jesus' sacrificial love was upon them.
Chilean Miners' Altruism Defies Darwinian Explanation

by Chuck Colson

October 13, 2010

Americans were gripped this past weekend with the high drama of watching men drilling a hole in the ground: a hole that represented the difference between life and death and a hole that illustrates why, contrary to what we have been told, we are not just another ape.

On August 5th, a copper and gold mine in Chile caved in. The tragedy turned into a national crusade when, seventeen days later, it was confirmed that thirty-three miners had miraculously survived the cave-in. They were trapped in a rescue chamber 2,300 feet beneath the surface.

President Sebastian Pinera and his government made the miners' rescue their top priority. Work began immediately on drilling a 28-inch hole down to the rescue chamber to extract the survivors. No expense or effort was spared, and technical help came in from all around the world. And while families maintained a silent but painful vigil, food, water and other supplies were lowered down to the survivors through a smaller hole.

This past weekend, the rescue shaft was completed. Given its width, the miners will have to be removed one at a time. Since each trip will take approximately an hour, it will take the better part of two days to remove all the miners. Who should go first? The weakest?

Well, there was still one more twist in store for Chile and the world. A surprised Health Minister Jaime Manalich told AP that the miners "were fighting with [authorities] yesterday because everyone wanted to be at the end of the line, not the beginning."

A news man from the scene choked up while reporting it. You know who else should be surprised: Darwinians. They believe the race has evolved through survival of the fittest. Neo-Darwinism cannot explain altruism like that displayed by the miners. At best, it can offer a superficially plausible explanation for what they call "cooperation."

But caring about someone outside your immediate kinship group, much less being willing to sacrifice your well-being for theirs? Never. Richard Dawkins' "selfish gene" would demand to be the first person out of that mine. The "selfish gene" would not have even made the miners' rescue a national priority. It would have settled for superficially-plausible mourning.

A far more plausible explanation is suggested by the items that the miners asked be sent down to them while they waited for rescue: a crucifix and other items associated with their Catholic faith. They told officials that they wanted to set up a shrine in the rescue chamber. They signed two flags for Pope Benedict and, to make sure he got at least one, gave them to different officials.

Now ask yourself, which is a better explanation for their altruism: a "selfish gene" or belief in a Good Shepherd that gives his life for the sheep?

Even without an explicit faith connection, we know that this kind of altruism is uniquely human. Females of other species will fight to the death to defend their young, but another female's young? Never.

This is so obvious that the insistence that man is just another ape is nothing but a worldview—a humanist philosophy which is palpably false.

It's a worldview that can never account for what just happened in Chile, and makes the continued adherence to the Darwinian worldview the biggest surprise of all.


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Divorce — The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience

The scandal does not confine to America only, it happens in Malaysia, Australia and all over the world – Allen Tan

by Albert Mohler

Author, Speaker, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Mark A. Smith, who teaches political science at the University of Washington, pays close attention to what is now commonly called the "culture war" in America. Though the roots of this cultural conflict reach back to the 1960s, the deep divide over social and moral issues became almost impossible to deny during the late 1970s and ever since. It is now common wisdom to speak of "red" states and "blue" states, and to expect familiar lines of division over questions such as abortion and homosexuality.

In the most general sense, the culture war refers to the struggle to determine laws and customs on a host of moral and political issues that separate Americans into two opposing camps, often presented as the religious right and the secular left. Though the truth is never so simple, the reality of the culture war is almost impossible to deny.

And yet, as Professor Smith surveyed the front lines of the culture war, he was surprised, not so much by the issues of hot debate and controversy, but by an issue that was obvious for its absence — divorce.

"From the standpoint of simple logic, divorce fits cleanly within the category of ‘family values' and hence hypothetically could represent a driving force in the larger culture war," he notes. "If ‘family values' refers to ethics and behavior that affect, well, families, then divorce obviously should qualify. Indeed, divorce seems to carry a more direct connection to the daily realities of families than do the bellwether culture war issues of abortion and homosexuality."

That logic is an indictment of evangelical failure and a monumental scandal of the evangelical conscience. When faced with this indictment, many evangelicals quickly point to the adoption of so-called "no fault" divorce laws in the 1970s. Yet, while those laws have been devastating to families (and especially to children), Smith makes a compelling case that evangelicals began their accommodation to divorce even before those laws took effect. No fault divorce laws simply reflected an acknowledgment of what had already taken place. As he explains, American evangelicals, along with other Christians, began to shift opinion on divorce when divorce became more common and when it hit close to home.

When the Christian right was organized in the 1970s and galvanized in the 1980s, the issues of abortion and homosexuality were front and center. Where was divorce? Smith documents the fact that groups such as the "pro-traditional family" Moral Majority led by the late Jerry Falwell generally failed even to mention divorce in their publications or platforms.

"During the 10 years of its existence, Falwell's organization mobilized and lobbied on many political issues, including abortion, pornography, gay rights, school prayer, the Equal Rights Amendment, and sex education in schools," he recalls. Where is divorce — a tragedy that affects far more families than the more "hot button" issues? "Divorce failed to achieve that exalted status, ranking so low on the group's agenda that books on the Moral Majority do not even give the issue an entry in the index."

But the real scandal is far deeper than missing listings in an index. The real scandal is the fact that evangelical Protestants divorce at rates at least as high as the rest of the public. Needless to say, this creates a significant credibility crisis when evangelicals then rise to speak in defense of marriage.

As for the question of divorce and public law, Smith traces a huge transition in the law and in the larger cultural context. In times past, he explains, both divorce and marriage were considered matters of intense public interest. But at some point, the culture was transformed, and divorce was reclassified as a purely private matter.

Tragically, the church largely followed the lead of its members and accepted what might be called the "privatization" of divorce. Churches simply allowed a secular culture to determine that divorce is no big deal, and that it is a purely private matter.

As Smith argues, the Bible is emphatic in condemning divorce. For this reason, you would expect to find evangelical Christians demanding the inclusion of divorce on a list of central concerns and aims. But this seldom happened. Evangelical Christians rightly demanded laws that would defend the sanctity of human life. Not so for marriage. Smith explains that the inclusion of divorce on the agenda of the Christian right would have risked a massive alienation of members. In summary, evangelicals allowed culture to trump Scripture.

An even greater tragedy is the collapse of church discipline within congregations. A perceived "zone of privacy" is simply assumed by most church members, and divorce is considered only a private concern.

Professor Smith is concerned with this question as a political scientist. Why did American evangelicals surrender so quickly as divorce gathered momentum in America? We must ask this same question with even greater urgency. How did divorce, so clearly identified as a grievous sin in the Bible, become so commonplace and accepted in our midst?

The sanctity of human life is a cause that demands our priority and sacrifice. The challenge represented by the possibility (or probability) of legalized same-sex marriage demands our attention and involvement, as well.

But divorce harms many more lives than will be touched by homosexual marriage. Children are left without fathers, wives without husbands, and homes are forever broken. Fathers are separated from their children, and marriage is irreparably undermined as divorce becomes routine and accepted. Divorce is not the unpardonable sin, but it is sin, and it is a sin that is condemned in no uncertain terms.

Evangelical Christians are gravely concerned about the family, and this is good and necessary. But our credibility on the issue of marriage is significantly discounted by our acceptance of divorce. To our shame, the culture war is not the only place that an honest confrontation with the divorce culture is missing.

Divorce is now the scandal of the evangelical conscience.

Mark A. Smith, "Religion, Divorce, and the Missing Culture War in America," Political Science Quarterly, 125:1 (Spring 2010). [pdf file]

I interviewed Professor Smith on this week's edition of "Thinking in Public." Listen here.

An unusually honest and eloquent statement of evangelical concern and repentance on the scandal of divorce was adopted as a resolution at the 2010 Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Orlando, Florida. The chairman of the Committee on Resolutions was Dr. Russell D. Moore. The text of the resolution, "On the Scandal of Southern Baptist Divorce," can be found here.
