Bishop Harry Jackson has invited pastors from across the country—and across denominational lines—for a news conference at the Senate swamp. The motive: to show support for the Defense of Marriage Act and marriage as the union of one man and one women.
Spiritual leaders will discuss Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s possible plan to hold a vote on a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. The press conference, which is scheduled for 3 p.m. on Thursday, will also address President Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage.
"Marriage is a biblical institution that mirrors the relationship between Jesus and his bride, the church," says Bishop Anne Gimenez, founder and overseer of Rock Ministerial Fellowship and senior pastor of Rock Church International. "It is a loving relationship that is core to our beliefs and something we will fight for."
Gimenez will join Jackson, Sen. Jim DeMint, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, and other Christian leaders on Thursday afternoon. Altogether, more than 50 religious and political leaders—both Democrat and Republican—will stand united.
During the event, leaders will present a "Stand for Marriage" letter, which has been signed by religious leaders from all over the nation.
"Our country is divided, and our nation's soul is sick. The issue of traditional marriage is one of the many issues we are facing," says Gimenez. "Our country needs God and it is time for us to get serious about praying for his presence in every area of our lives."
Gimenez is also organizing America for Jesus 2012, a gathering of Christians representing all races, parties and denominations, to gather in a solemn assembly on Independence Mall in Philadelphia, Sept. 28-29, to pray for the healing of our nation and its people 40 days before America casts its vote for president.
America for Jesus 2012 is being organized by One Nation Under God, a coalition of ministries that sponsored the watershed Washington for Jesus events in the '80s and '90s, which focused on prayer, repentance and revival, based on God's promises found in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
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