依初步的观察,和308大选时比较,乌雪选举的基本盘並没有太大的差异,民联的再益虽然败选,但公正党得票增加了95张;国阵的卡玛拉纳登贏了1725票,除了归功於巫印选民回流;另一不可忽视的因素,是国阵成功把弃权票从1466张锐减到731张,间中的差异是735票。如果这 735票都改投给了国阵,则意味著,从民联怀抱回流国阵的巫印选民,其实並不如一般人所想像的那么多。
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Barisan Nasional has flouted the Election Law
Though Zaid Ibrahim of PR lost to Kamalanathan of BN, I don't see PR has a dim hope of moving to Putrajaya. I really pitied BN that it has given so much and has gotten so little in return. In the next GE, is BN able to mobilize so much resources again?
And I regret to say, whatever BN has given out to Ulu Selangor, they are in fact the money from the treasury. It is the money of all Malaysians. How can Najib use it as a machinery for BN campaign? A horrendous sum of RM160 million should come out from BN's funds itself. However you are not justified with that, because you have indeed flouted the Election Law by buying votes. BN has made Malaysia's rating of Election Transparency drop.
The Hulu Selangor by-election debacle: Is it worth it, Najib?
The single event that impacted most on the electoral outcome was perhaps the occasion of Najib himself handing over RM5 million cash to 100 Felda settlers in a highly trumpeted ceremony two days before polling. These settlers were among victims of a failed project committed to a private developer 15 years ago.
by Kim Quek
Prime Minister Najib Razak might have won the electoral battle at Hulu Selangor, but he sure has made a giant step of retreat in the defence of Putrajaya against the relentless advance of Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
The orgy of election bribery indulged over those few days leading up to Polling Day on April 25 would have put any other pseudo-democracy to shame when comparing election excesses.
To induce votes, Najib and his colleagues made innumerable on-the-spot grants of cash and promises of goodies (many were conditional upon a Barisan Nasional win) that run easily to hundreds of million of ringgit during that compact campaign period. These include the construction of a university and several schools, an expressway interchange and many other infrastructures, several low cost housing projects, upgrading of mosques and temples, grants to community guilds and associations, cash payments to individuals, etc. These election goodies were so many and so large that I doubt Najib and his deputy, Muhyiddeen Yassin, could keep track of their numbers or total costs involved.
The single event that impacted most on the electoral outcome was perhaps the occasion of Najib himself handing over RM5 million cash to 100 Felda settlers in a highly trumpeted ceremony two days before polling. These settlers were among victims of a failed project committed to a private developer 15 years ago.
The greatest irony was that amidst this election bribery spree, Najib made an impassioned last-minute plea to the electorate through an open letter bearing his signature, asking the electorate to give him another chance to institute ‘change’ in his administration so as to redeem Barisan Nasional’s past mistakes. But was Najib not aware that this endless stream of impromptu election goodies constitute serious offences under our Election Offences Act 1954 (Section 10)? By committing these acts of corruption to such an unprecedented scale while simultaneously articulating his ‘change’ agenda, he was in effect telling the world: “This is what I mean by ‘change’ – I will not hesitate to escalate corrupted activities and damn the laws, if my political interests so demand.”
Reflecting on Najib’s rule since taking effective control of the country in early 2009, this philosophy of ‘the end justifies the means’ as exemplified by his conduct in the Hulu Selangor by-election seems to aptly explain the series of scandals that illustrated the ruling power’s contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law. These include the unconstitutional power grab in Perak, the continuing persecution of Anwar Ibrahim via the universally condemned phoney sodomy 2 trial, the awkward attempt to hide the real culprits in the show trial of Altantuya’s grisly murder, and the tragic death of Teoh Beng Hock under custody of MACC and the subsequent dubious inquest.
In the aftermath of this sordid by-election, Najib and his cohorts have expectedly hailed this disgraceful victory as the nation’s endorsement of Najib’s new policy and the shifting of support to Barisan Nasional (BN). However, removing the thin veneer of this pyrrhic victory, we find that the contrary is true. In fact, a cursory review of this by-election (many prefer to call it ‘buy-election’) has revealed trends and phenomena that should cause BN to get worried, very worried.
First, winning by a majority of 1,700 votes does not necessarily indicate an increase of support. On the contrary, it could mean a substantial drop of support, if we consider the fact that in the last general election in March 2008, BN’s combined majority of the three state constituencies that made up the parliamentary constituency of Hulu Selangor was 6,300 votes.
If UMNO can secure only a marginal victory (24,997 vs. 23,272) after such heavy abuses of public funds and politically manipulated institutions, there is not the slightest chance that the same can be repeated in a general election, during which, Hulu Selangor will surely fall back to PR, just as Ijok did previously.
Second, judging from the response of the electorate during the election campaign, Najib’s ‘1Malaysia’ advocacy has failed to take root among BN’s supporters. This was prominently reflected in the respective finale of the two protagonists’ election campaign on the eve of polling. While the BN rally, estimated at 3,000, was attended almost exclusively by Malays, with a sprinkling of Indians, the 15,000-strong PR rally was a colourful display of multi-racialism with a healthy proportion of the three races of Malays, Chinese and Indians. It left one with the unmistakable impression that the coalition that has really succeeded in realising ‘1Malaysia’ is PR, not BN.
Third, the Chinese support to BN has dwindled to an even smaller minority (less than one third) despite the many carrots dangling in their faces – particularly Najib’s personal promise to grant a RM3 million grant to a Chinese school the very next day of polling, conditioned upon a BN win. This indicates that the Chinese electorate has politically matured to the point that they are relatively immune to BN’s election bribery. For them, nothing short of real reforms would do.
As UMNO is not capable of instituting real reforms, this naturally spells the end of the political life span of the Chinese racial party MCA, and by corollary, that of Gerakan. With the Indian racial party MIC also having lost the support of Indians, the isolation of UMNO in Peninsular Malaysia is complete, since these three parties are UMNO’s only major partners in the Peninsula. Considering that they had been the bulwark of support to UMNO in past elections, their present eclipses mean that UMNO’s political wings in Peninsula are clipped.
Hence, UMNO’s final grasp at power is now hinged to its relationship with the BN component parties in Sabah and Sarawak, which unfortunately are not in the best of terms with the UMNO-dominated Federal government.
Known for their strong regionalism and thrust to their king-maker position by the political tsunami of the 2008 general elections, Sabah and Sarawak are now a hive of discontent and resentment against the exploitation and short-changing of their autonomous rights under the autocratic UMNO dominated BN leadership.
With a maimed UMNO in the Peninsula, and a surging Pakatan Rakyat offering a just deal and restoration of autonomy to these two states, the people there for the first time have the real option of clinching the best political deal since the formation of Malaysia almost five decades ago.
Since the people in Sabah and Sarawak are less race-conscious than their Peninsular counterparts and in fact rather irritated by the heavy racism practiced by UMNO, for how long can UMNO’s race politics withstand the challenge for influence by the multi-racial Pakatan Rakyat in these two territories, and by extension the political power over the entire country?
The Hulu Selangor by-election has given us a pointer, and it ain’t looking good for UMNO.
Source: http://malaysia-today.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=31463:the-hulu-selangor-by-election-debacle-is-it-worth-it-najib&catid=17:guest-columnists&Itemid=100130
And I regret to say, whatever BN has given out to Ulu Selangor, they are in fact the money from the treasury. It is the money of all Malaysians. How can Najib use it as a machinery for BN campaign? A horrendous sum of RM160 million should come out from BN's funds itself. However you are not justified with that, because you have indeed flouted the Election Law by buying votes. BN has made Malaysia's rating of Election Transparency drop.
The Hulu Selangor by-election debacle: Is it worth it, Najib?
The single event that impacted most on the electoral outcome was perhaps the occasion of Najib himself handing over RM5 million cash to 100 Felda settlers in a highly trumpeted ceremony two days before polling. These settlers were among victims of a failed project committed to a private developer 15 years ago.
by Kim Quek
Prime Minister Najib Razak might have won the electoral battle at Hulu Selangor, but he sure has made a giant step of retreat in the defence of Putrajaya against the relentless advance of Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
The orgy of election bribery indulged over those few days leading up to Polling Day on April 25 would have put any other pseudo-democracy to shame when comparing election excesses.
To induce votes, Najib and his colleagues made innumerable on-the-spot grants of cash and promises of goodies (many were conditional upon a Barisan Nasional win) that run easily to hundreds of million of ringgit during that compact campaign period. These include the construction of a university and several schools, an expressway interchange and many other infrastructures, several low cost housing projects, upgrading of mosques and temples, grants to community guilds and associations, cash payments to individuals, etc. These election goodies were so many and so large that I doubt Najib and his deputy, Muhyiddeen Yassin, could keep track of their numbers or total costs involved.
The single event that impacted most on the electoral outcome was perhaps the occasion of Najib himself handing over RM5 million cash to 100 Felda settlers in a highly trumpeted ceremony two days before polling. These settlers were among victims of a failed project committed to a private developer 15 years ago.
The greatest irony was that amidst this election bribery spree, Najib made an impassioned last-minute plea to the electorate through an open letter bearing his signature, asking the electorate to give him another chance to institute ‘change’ in his administration so as to redeem Barisan Nasional’s past mistakes. But was Najib not aware that this endless stream of impromptu election goodies constitute serious offences under our Election Offences Act 1954 (Section 10)? By committing these acts of corruption to such an unprecedented scale while simultaneously articulating his ‘change’ agenda, he was in effect telling the world: “This is what I mean by ‘change’ – I will not hesitate to escalate corrupted activities and damn the laws, if my political interests so demand.”
Reflecting on Najib’s rule since taking effective control of the country in early 2009, this philosophy of ‘the end justifies the means’ as exemplified by his conduct in the Hulu Selangor by-election seems to aptly explain the series of scandals that illustrated the ruling power’s contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law. These include the unconstitutional power grab in Perak, the continuing persecution of Anwar Ibrahim via the universally condemned phoney sodomy 2 trial, the awkward attempt to hide the real culprits in the show trial of Altantuya’s grisly murder, and the tragic death of Teoh Beng Hock under custody of MACC and the subsequent dubious inquest.
In the aftermath of this sordid by-election, Najib and his cohorts have expectedly hailed this disgraceful victory as the nation’s endorsement of Najib’s new policy and the shifting of support to Barisan Nasional (BN). However, removing the thin veneer of this pyrrhic victory, we find that the contrary is true. In fact, a cursory review of this by-election (many prefer to call it ‘buy-election’) has revealed trends and phenomena that should cause BN to get worried, very worried.
First, winning by a majority of 1,700 votes does not necessarily indicate an increase of support. On the contrary, it could mean a substantial drop of support, if we consider the fact that in the last general election in March 2008, BN’s combined majority of the three state constituencies that made up the parliamentary constituency of Hulu Selangor was 6,300 votes.
If UMNO can secure only a marginal victory (24,997 vs. 23,272) after such heavy abuses of public funds and politically manipulated institutions, there is not the slightest chance that the same can be repeated in a general election, during which, Hulu Selangor will surely fall back to PR, just as Ijok did previously.
Second, judging from the response of the electorate during the election campaign, Najib’s ‘1Malaysia’ advocacy has failed to take root among BN’s supporters. This was prominently reflected in the respective finale of the two protagonists’ election campaign on the eve of polling. While the BN rally, estimated at 3,000, was attended almost exclusively by Malays, with a sprinkling of Indians, the 15,000-strong PR rally was a colourful display of multi-racialism with a healthy proportion of the three races of Malays, Chinese and Indians. It left one with the unmistakable impression that the coalition that has really succeeded in realising ‘1Malaysia’ is PR, not BN.
Third, the Chinese support to BN has dwindled to an even smaller minority (less than one third) despite the many carrots dangling in their faces – particularly Najib’s personal promise to grant a RM3 million grant to a Chinese school the very next day of polling, conditioned upon a BN win. This indicates that the Chinese electorate has politically matured to the point that they are relatively immune to BN’s election bribery. For them, nothing short of real reforms would do.
As UMNO is not capable of instituting real reforms, this naturally spells the end of the political life span of the Chinese racial party MCA, and by corollary, that of Gerakan. With the Indian racial party MIC also having lost the support of Indians, the isolation of UMNO in Peninsular Malaysia is complete, since these three parties are UMNO’s only major partners in the Peninsula. Considering that they had been the bulwark of support to UMNO in past elections, their present eclipses mean that UMNO’s political wings in Peninsula are clipped.
Hence, UMNO’s final grasp at power is now hinged to its relationship with the BN component parties in Sabah and Sarawak, which unfortunately are not in the best of terms with the UMNO-dominated Federal government.
Known for their strong regionalism and thrust to their king-maker position by the political tsunami of the 2008 general elections, Sabah and Sarawak are now a hive of discontent and resentment against the exploitation and short-changing of their autonomous rights under the autocratic UMNO dominated BN leadership.
With a maimed UMNO in the Peninsula, and a surging Pakatan Rakyat offering a just deal and restoration of autonomy to these two states, the people there for the first time have the real option of clinching the best political deal since the formation of Malaysia almost five decades ago.
Since the people in Sabah and Sarawak are less race-conscious than their Peninsular counterparts and in fact rather irritated by the heavy racism practiced by UMNO, for how long can UMNO’s race politics withstand the challenge for influence by the multi-racial Pakatan Rakyat in these two territories, and by extension the political power over the entire country?
The Hulu Selangor by-election has given us a pointer, and it ain’t looking good for UMNO.
Source: http://malaysia-today.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=31463:the-hulu-selangor-by-election-debacle-is-it-worth-it-najib&catid=17:guest-columnists&Itemid=100130
Saturday, April 24, 2010
The Psalmist's Cry becomes Mine
I who dwell in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
For You will deliver me from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence.
You will cover me with Your pinions,
and under Your wings I will find refuge;
Your faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
I will not fear the authority terror of the night,
nor the arrow of plot that flies by day,
nor the pestilence of corruption that stalks in darkness,
nor the destruction of media lies that wastes at noonday.
A thousand may fall at my side,
ten thousand at my right hand,
but it will not come near me.
I will only look with my eyes
and see the recompense of the wicked.
Because I have made the LORD my dwelling place—
the Most High, who is my refuge—
no evil of charges shall be allowed to befall me,
no plague of authority stooges come near my tent.
For You will command Your angels concerning me
to guard me in all my ways.
On their hands they will bear me up,
lest I strike my foot against a stone.
I will tread on the lion which devours and the adder which deceives;
the young lion and the serpent I will trample underfoot.
Because I hold fast to You in love, You will deliver me;
You will protect me, because I know Your name.
When I call to You, You will answer me;
You will be with me in trouble;
You will rescue me and honor me.
With long life of sound body-soul-spirit You will satisfy me
and show me Your salvation.”
Source: Psalm 91: 1-16
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
For You will deliver me from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence.
You will cover me with Your pinions,
and under Your wings I will find refuge;
Your faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
I will not fear the authority terror of the night,
nor the arrow of plot that flies by day,
nor the pestilence of corruption that stalks in darkness,
nor the destruction of media lies that wastes at noonday.
A thousand may fall at my side,
ten thousand at my right hand,
but it will not come near me.
I will only look with my eyes
and see the recompense of the wicked.
Because I have made the LORD my dwelling place—
the Most High, who is my refuge—
no evil of charges shall be allowed to befall me,
no plague of authority stooges come near my tent.
For You will command Your angels concerning me
to guard me in all my ways.
On their hands they will bear me up,
lest I strike my foot against a stone.
I will tread on the lion which devours and the adder which deceives;
the young lion and the serpent I will trample underfoot.
Because I hold fast to You in love, You will deliver me;
You will protect me, because I know Your name.
When I call to You, You will answer me;
You will be with me in trouble;
You will rescue me and honor me.
With long life of sound body-soul-spirit You will satisfy me
and show me Your salvation.”
Source: Psalm 91: 1-16
Begin to pray for the 13th General Elections
Today at Andrew Wong's monthly gathering at his house in Kota Kemuning, I was privileged to meet Elder Goh Keat Peng.
I heard of him and read his blog, but today was the first time I met this man of God. He put in lots of effort to fight for a better Malaysia. We are on the same boat. Let us continue to cause a 2-Party System establish in our country. The next General Elections will be very crucial for the fate of Malaysia. Therefore, let us begin to pray diligently.
1. God, Your plans are firm, faithful and forever. The purposes of Your heart prevail through all the generations. Let Your mighty, perfect will bring about a better Malaysia. (Psalm 33:11)
2. Lord, bring righteous people who fear You to be elected. Establish godly leaders who glorify You as they lead, and let their tenure be as welcome as the light of morning at sunrise and like the brightness after rain that brings green grass to the earth. (2 Samuel 23:3)
3. Lord, grant that wicked and evil influences will be weak and impotent in their efforts at bringing down the candidates for election. Usher into authority those who are committed to leading with righteousness. (Proverbs 25:5)
4. Heavenly Father, You promised to bless us with rejoicing when righteous leaders are in charge. So we ask You for godly, good leaders who will bring joy to those they lead. Do not allow any wicked persons to gain public office, but only those who will honor You. (Proverbs 29:2)
5. Lord, You value so deeply the qualities of good judgment and discernment, but it is easy for us to lose sight of them. Guide all those who will vote a sense of discernment and sound judgment, and let that discernment in turn bring discerning leaders into office. (Proverbs 3:21)
6. Lord God, during election time it is easy to get wrapped up in the negative, in fault-finding, criticism and contentiousness. Cause our hearts to be sweet and pure, obediently acting as You want Your children to act, so no one can find fault. In this way, we can shine for you in our darkened world. (Philippians 2:14-15)
7. Mighty God, we look to You for protection and safe keeping, especially during the days leading up to the next General Elections. Keep the candidates, the public rallies and the media safe from every kind of harm, O Lord, and deliver us from any evil plots that have been arranged. Let no weapon that is formed against our nation or the leaders prosper. (Psalm 32:7, Isaiah 54:17)
8. Father God, You love truth and are displeased with lies. Grant a spirit of truthfulness in the elections, particularly on the part of all media. Grant a spirit of fairness and honesty in the reports created by all members of the media, and give discernment and wisdom to citizens as they seek information from the media. (Proverbs 12:22)
9. God, You are actively involved in every part of Your creation at every moment. Grant to all Malaysians a willingness to get involved in the upcoming General Elections, resisting complacency and passivity, especially for Christians to rise to intercede fervently. Let each one know the value of his or her vote, and let each one exercise their privilege with diligence and faith. (Amos 6:1)
I heard of him and read his blog, but today was the first time I met this man of God. He put in lots of effort to fight for a better Malaysia. We are on the same boat. Let us continue to cause a 2-Party System establish in our country. The next General Elections will be very crucial for the fate of Malaysia. Therefore, let us begin to pray diligently.
1. God, Your plans are firm, faithful and forever. The purposes of Your heart prevail through all the generations. Let Your mighty, perfect will bring about a better Malaysia. (Psalm 33:11)
2. Lord, bring righteous people who fear You to be elected. Establish godly leaders who glorify You as they lead, and let their tenure be as welcome as the light of morning at sunrise and like the brightness after rain that brings green grass to the earth. (2 Samuel 23:3)
3. Lord, grant that wicked and evil influences will be weak and impotent in their efforts at bringing down the candidates for election. Usher into authority those who are committed to leading with righteousness. (Proverbs 25:5)
4. Heavenly Father, You promised to bless us with rejoicing when righteous leaders are in charge. So we ask You for godly, good leaders who will bring joy to those they lead. Do not allow any wicked persons to gain public office, but only those who will honor You. (Proverbs 29:2)
5. Lord, You value so deeply the qualities of good judgment and discernment, but it is easy for us to lose sight of them. Guide all those who will vote a sense of discernment and sound judgment, and let that discernment in turn bring discerning leaders into office. (Proverbs 3:21)
6. Lord God, during election time it is easy to get wrapped up in the negative, in fault-finding, criticism and contentiousness. Cause our hearts to be sweet and pure, obediently acting as You want Your children to act, so no one can find fault. In this way, we can shine for you in our darkened world. (Philippians 2:14-15)
7. Mighty God, we look to You for protection and safe keeping, especially during the days leading up to the next General Elections. Keep the candidates, the public rallies and the media safe from every kind of harm, O Lord, and deliver us from any evil plots that have been arranged. Let no weapon that is formed against our nation or the leaders prosper. (Psalm 32:7, Isaiah 54:17)
8. Father God, You love truth and are displeased with lies. Grant a spirit of truthfulness in the elections, particularly on the part of all media. Grant a spirit of fairness and honesty in the reports created by all members of the media, and give discernment and wisdom to citizens as they seek information from the media. (Proverbs 12:22)
9. God, You are actively involved in every part of Your creation at every moment. Grant to all Malaysians a willingness to get involved in the upcoming General Elections, resisting complacency and passivity, especially for Christians to rise to intercede fervently. Let each one know the value of his or her vote, and let each one exercise their privilege with diligence and faith. (Amos 6:1)
Friday, April 23, 2010
David's Song of Thanks becomes Mine
I give thanks to You my LORD, call upon Your name. I make known Your deeds among the peoples!
I sing to You, sing praises to You. I tell of all Your wondrous works.
Glory in Your holy name. The heart of mine who seek You my LORD rejoice!
I seek You my LORD and Your strength. I seek Your presence continually!
I remember the wondrous works of delivering me that You my LORD have done, Your miracles of pronouncing the so-called seditious case void, and the judgments on the puppets of ruling forces You uttered.
O me Allen, an offspring of Israel Your servant, son of Jacob, Your chosen one!
You are the LORD my God. Your judgments are in all the earth.
I remember Your covenant of salvation forever, the word that You commanded, for a thousand generations,
the covenant that You the LORD made with Abraham, Your sworn promise to Isaac,
which You the LORD confirmed as a statute to Jacob, as an everlasting covenant to Israel,
saying, “To you, Allen, I will give the land of Canaan, as your portion for an inheritance.”
When Christians, including me, were few in number, and of little account, and sojourners in it,
wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people,
You allowed no one to oppress us. You rebuked kings, prime ministers, presidents on their account,
saying, “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets, pastors, ministers no harm!”
All the earth and I sing to You the LORD. I tell of Your salvation from day to day.
I declare Your glory among the nations, Your marvelous works among all the peoples!
For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and You the LORD are to be held in awe above all gods.
For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but You the LORD made the heavens.
Splendor and majesty are before You the LORD; strength and joy are in Your place.
I ascribe to You my LORD, ascribe to You my LORD glory and strength!
I ascribe to You my LORD the glory due Your name; bring an offering and come before You my LORD! I worship You my LORD in the splendor of holiness.
All the earth and I shall tremble before You the LORD, yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved.
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, and say among Malaysian authorities, “The LORD reigns!”
Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it!
Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before You the LORD, for You the LORD comes to judge the earth.
Oh all the earth and I give thanks to You the LORD, for You the LORD are good; for Your steadfast love endures forever!
All the earth and I say also: “Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather and deliver us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to Your holy name, and glory in Your praise.
Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, and the God of Malaysia from everlasting to everlasting!”
And all the people in Malaysia and in all over the world shall say, “Amen!” and praise You the LORD.
Source: 1 Chronicles 16: 8-36
I sing to You, sing praises to You. I tell of all Your wondrous works.
Glory in Your holy name. The heart of mine who seek You my LORD rejoice!
I seek You my LORD and Your strength. I seek Your presence continually!
I remember the wondrous works of delivering me that You my LORD have done, Your miracles of pronouncing the so-called seditious case void, and the judgments on the puppets of ruling forces You uttered.
O me Allen, an offspring of Israel Your servant, son of Jacob, Your chosen one!
You are the LORD my God. Your judgments are in all the earth.
I remember Your covenant of salvation forever, the word that You commanded, for a thousand generations,
the covenant that You the LORD made with Abraham, Your sworn promise to Isaac,
which You the LORD confirmed as a statute to Jacob, as an everlasting covenant to Israel,
saying, “To you, Allen, I will give the land of Canaan, as your portion for an inheritance.”
When Christians, including me, were few in number, and of little account, and sojourners in it,
wandering from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another people,
You allowed no one to oppress us. You rebuked kings, prime ministers, presidents on their account,
saying, “Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets, pastors, ministers no harm!”
All the earth and I sing to You the LORD. I tell of Your salvation from day to day.
I declare Your glory among the nations, Your marvelous works among all the peoples!
For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and You the LORD are to be held in awe above all gods.
For all the gods of the peoples are idols, but You the LORD made the heavens.
Splendor and majesty are before You the LORD; strength and joy are in Your place.
I ascribe to You my LORD, ascribe to You my LORD glory and strength!
I ascribe to You my LORD the glory due Your name; bring an offering and come before You my LORD! I worship You my LORD in the splendor of holiness.
All the earth and I shall tremble before You the LORD, yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved.
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, and say among Malaysian authorities, “The LORD reigns!”
Let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult, and everything in it!
Then shall the trees of the forest sing for joy before You the LORD, for You the LORD comes to judge the earth.
Oh all the earth and I give thanks to You the LORD, for You the LORD are good; for Your steadfast love endures forever!
All the earth and I say also: “Save us, O God of our salvation, and gather and deliver us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to Your holy name, and glory in Your praise.
Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, and the God of Malaysia from everlasting to everlasting!”
And all the people in Malaysia and in all over the world shall say, “Amen!” and praise You the LORD.
Source: 1 Chronicles 16: 8-36
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Earth Day Has Pentecostal Roots

Tuesday, 20 April 2010 01:28 PM EDT
The man who coined the name Earth Day was a Pentecostal minister who thought the observance would help promote peace and unity.
According to the Assemblies of God (AG) Heritage magazine, 95-year-old John McConnell Jr., a longtime Pentecostal and peace activist, first proposed the idea for Earth Day in 1969. His plan was to mark the day in late March at the start of spring to promote peace and justice as a prerequisite for ecological preservation.
But McConnell also was motivated by his faith. "We love God ... [and therefore should] have an appreciation for His creation," McConnell told AG Heritage, which is published by the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center.
McConnell submitted his proposal for Earth Day to San Francisco city officials on Oct. 3, 1969, and the first governmental recognition of Earth Day was held March 21, 1970. The event gained support from Congress and the United Nations, which McConnell hoped Earth Day supporters would partner with in protecting the environment.
Yet the original Earth Day was quickly overshadowed. McConnell said Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., wanted to move Earth Day to April 22, when he had scheduled a political protest called Environmental Teach-In Day. Nelson wanted to change the name of the teach-in to Earth Day, but McConnell would not agree to the idea.
"I said, ‘Absolutely not," McConnell told AG Heritage. "Earth Day on nature's event is too important for this global occasion. So the next thing I knew they stole my name Earth Day and they used it for April 22. I was urged to sue, but I didn't. I didn't believe in suing.
"San Francisco kicked it off and later on we had the United Nations. The Secretary General ... thought Earth Day was a great idea, and the United Nations [still] celebrates Earth Day on the March equinox."
McConnell's biographer, Robert Weir, said Nelson admitted that he got the idea for Earth Day from others, but he did not specify from whom. In time, Nelson began to publicly claim full credit for founding Earth Day, which he wanted to use to protest pollution.
McConnell says the current Earth Day observance is too political, though he appreciates its goals of improving environmental stewardship. He notes that April 22 is also the birthday of communist leader Vladimir Lenin, one of several reasons he continues to mark Earth Day in March, during the spring equinox.
McConnell comes from a strong Pentecostal lineage. His grandfather was at the Azusa Street revival in 1906 and his parents were founding members of the AG in 1914. Although McConnell's father was an ordained minister in the AG for a time, and McConnell himself became a preacher, both men were strongly independent thinkers.
The elder McConnell's ministry credentials were not renewed in 1929 because AG leaders struggled to pin down his positions on doctrinal issues. And he took a strong pacifist position, which the AG endorsed until 1967, believing Christians were not supposed to kill even in war.
The younger McConnell adopted his father's view. After being drafted into World War II, he asked for an exemption as a conscientious objector but was refused. While participating in target practice during basic training, he kept seeing an image of Jesus flash through his mind whenever he prepared to shoot a target. He refused to shoot and ended up in solitary confinement, eventually escaping the military base and fleeing the country with his wife.
McConnell began ministering off the coast of British Honduras and was eventually discovered by the FBI, which decided to leave him and his wife alone because they were not engaged in subversive activities, according to AG Heritage.
McConnell later became a peace activist and organized the Star of Hope and Minute for Peace movements. The first encouraged the U.S. to launch a satellite as a symbol of peace, and the latter urged people to spend a minute in prayer each day. The first Minute for Peace was held Dec. 22, 1963, a month after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, and short Minute for Peace radio messages have been read by heads of state and United Nations officials.
McConnell says all of his work, including his push for an Earth Day observance, sprang from his Christian faith. "If there had been no Christian experience in my life there would be no Earth Day - or at least I would not have initiated it," he told AG Heritage. "I'm a peacemaker, and part of the reason was my father, who was, without question, the greatest influence in my life."
Though he says April 22 is not Earth Day, he sees the observance as an opportunity for Christians to be a witness. "While Earth Day is non-sectarian and non-political," he said, "it provides a great opportunity for Christians to show the power of prayer, the validity of their charity and their practical concern for Earth's life and people."
Resource: http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/news/28103-earth-day-has-pentecostal-root-#ixzz0lnnA9FcS
Friday, April 16, 2010
Najib should issue an invoice to Mahathir
Mr. Mahathir, now you know how hurtful you are when Nazri had dumped all the nasty bill into your account. When you made USA Malaysians' enemy, the country lost tonnes of job opportunities.
Unfortunately, Najib, the PM whom you strongly pushed up, has sailed on your faults, and managed to secure a hand-shake with Obama, the US President. But the stupid move has cost the national treasury RM76.82 million. He probably did not know this was an enormous sum. Maybe comparably with the cost of submarines he purchased, the "meet-up fees" is insignificant to him.
Dr. M, the logic is, since the Najib admin put a blamed on you for ruining the Malaysia-US tie, so they should issue you with an invoice. Najib is answerable to all Malaysians. There are still thousands of Malaysian folks only survived from hand-to mouth. But yet an 40 minutes' meeting with Obama has made Najib squander an 8-figure sum.

Source: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/60162-dr-m-dont-put-apco-bill-on-my-tab
Dr M: Don’t put APCO bill on my tab
By Debra Chong
[Dr Mahathir said the US had never shown displeasure at his administration. — file pic]
Dr Mahathir said the US had never shown displeasure at his administration. — file pic
KUALA LUMPUR, April 16 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today he disagrees with the Najib administration for spending a whopping RM76 million to arrange a meeting between the prime minister and US President Barack Obama earlier this week.
“Meeting is good but to say this money is spent because of what happened in the past, I don’t think is good,” the former premier said, rubbishing claims the government needed to spend the enormous sum of money.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had disclosed this week the amount paid to global public relations firm, APCO Worldwide, and claimed it was necessary to “repair” Malaysia-US ties strained during his 22-year rule from 1981 to 2003.
“I don’t care,” Dr Mahathir said, when asked to comment on Nazri’s charge.
“Whether the ties are good or bad, the fact is the US has not done anything that would show they were offended by us,” he added, citing the absence of official US complaints lodged with his administration.
Dr Mahathir also pointed out that investments from the US continued to flow into Malaysia.
“We did not get anything from the US,” he claimed, but was quick to make an exception that the world military superpower had given “one million US dollars” (RM3.2 million at current rates) to Malaysia “for the training of our armed forces”.
“They want it back? We have one million US dollars,” he quipped.
Dr Mahathir was speaking to reporters after delivering a keynote speech here, in conjunction with the 44th anniversary celebration of Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara), a government agency formed to aid the indigenous community.
He appeared disinterested in continuing the subject, noting that he was no longer in power. He noted that the Najib administration had the authority to do as it sees fit with federal funds.
“If I’m in power, I have my own way of doing things,” he said with a smile, capping the subject.
Unfortunately, Najib, the PM whom you strongly pushed up, has sailed on your faults, and managed to secure a hand-shake with Obama, the US President. But the stupid move has cost the national treasury RM76.82 million. He probably did not know this was an enormous sum. Maybe comparably with the cost of submarines he purchased, the "meet-up fees" is insignificant to him.
Dr. M, the logic is, since the Najib admin put a blamed on you for ruining the Malaysia-US tie, so they should issue you with an invoice. Najib is answerable to all Malaysians. There are still thousands of Malaysian folks only survived from hand-to mouth. But yet an 40 minutes' meeting with Obama has made Najib squander an 8-figure sum.

Source: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/60162-dr-m-dont-put-apco-bill-on-my-tab
Dr M: Don’t put APCO bill on my tab
By Debra Chong
[Dr Mahathir said the US had never shown displeasure at his administration. — file pic]
Dr Mahathir said the US had never shown displeasure at his administration. — file pic
KUALA LUMPUR, April 16 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today he disagrees with the Najib administration for spending a whopping RM76 million to arrange a meeting between the prime minister and US President Barack Obama earlier this week.
“Meeting is good but to say this money is spent because of what happened in the past, I don’t think is good,” the former premier said, rubbishing claims the government needed to spend the enormous sum of money.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz had disclosed this week the amount paid to global public relations firm, APCO Worldwide, and claimed it was necessary to “repair” Malaysia-US ties strained during his 22-year rule from 1981 to 2003.
“I don’t care,” Dr Mahathir said, when asked to comment on Nazri’s charge.
“Whether the ties are good or bad, the fact is the US has not done anything that would show they were offended by us,” he added, citing the absence of official US complaints lodged with his administration.
Dr Mahathir also pointed out that investments from the US continued to flow into Malaysia.
“We did not get anything from the US,” he claimed, but was quick to make an exception that the world military superpower had given “one million US dollars” (RM3.2 million at current rates) to Malaysia “for the training of our armed forces”.
“They want it back? We have one million US dollars,” he quipped.
Dr Mahathir was speaking to reporters after delivering a keynote speech here, in conjunction with the 44th anniversary celebration of Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara), a government agency formed to aid the indigenous community.
He appeared disinterested in continuing the subject, noting that he was no longer in power. He noted that the Najib administration had the authority to do as it sees fit with federal funds.
“If I’m in power, I have my own way of doing things,” he said with a smile, capping the subject.
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
安可国际公关费一年耗7682万 蔡添强:若加一个大马达到1亿

经过在野党长时间的穷追猛打后,首相署终于公布政府聘用安可国际公关公司(APCO)的费用详情,短短1 年的总费用竟达到惊人的7600余万令吉,远远超出媒体早前报道的2800万令吉。
缴付给Mind Teams掀争议
书面回答说,政府把这笔聘用费缴付给一家Mind Teams有限公司,并声称有关公司是安可国际的子公司。
不过,国会反对党领袖安华曾经指称,在安可国际于马来西亚设立分公司前,其前身正是Mind Teams有限公司。
续约合约长度:2010年1月 16日至2010年7月15日
“我不知道纳兹里是否懂得算术。可能他以为马币很强劲,1 对1兑换美元。”
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
DAP wants EPF, MRCB probed for insider trading

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani
KUALA LUMPUR, April 6 — The DAP’s Tony Pua demanded today that the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) be investigated for alleged insider trading of Malaysian Resources Corporation Bhd (MRCB) shares following the government’s announcement last week that 3,000 acres of land in Sungai Buloh would be developed into a new hub for the Klang Valley.
MRCB is likely to be appointed master developer of the Sungai Buloh project which Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak last week said would be a joint venture between EPF and the government.
Pua (picture), who is Petaling Jaya Utara MP and DAP economic strategist, claimed today that the EPF and MRCB appeared to have engineered the fund’s control of 33.7 per cent of the company’s shares during its recent rights issue exercise.
Following the rights issue, EPF made a general offer to buy the rest of the company’s shares at RM1.50 each.
Pua said that EPF was already in control of more than 41.5 per cent of MRCB shares on March 29, a day before Najib announced the project.
“At the point of EPF’s rights issue on 4 December 2009, EPF had a 30.6 per cent stake in MRCB. Since the rights issue was oversubscribed by 1.74 times, as disclosed, EPF should have at best maintained its percentage ownership of MRCB with a 30.6 per cent allocation of rights issues.
“However, EPF was, for one reason or another, allocated a disproportionately higher percentage of rights issued. which was 171.47 million of 455.39 million, or 37.7 per cent of the rights issued, resulting in EPF owning 33.78 per cent of MRCB,” he said.
Pua said that under takeover rules, the investor must make an offer to buy the remaining shares once it has more than 33 per cent of a listed company.
“EPF was forced to make a general offer to purchase all shares of MRCB at the price of RM1.50 per share on 4 March 2010. EPF had in fact continued to actively purchase shares from the open market since and has increased their stake in MRCB to approximately 41.5 per cent as of 29 March 2010.
“It is hence clear now that the rights issue has been an exercise intended and engineered to allow EPF to increase its stakes in MRCB, including via the general offer which was made.
“While the above may appear above board under the normal circumstances, the fact that the Prime Minister announced the 3,000 acres mega-development joint venture project with EPF, which is touted to appoint MRCB as the developer on the 30 March 2010, throws up the very obvious question of insider trading on the part of EPF in the entire exercise above,” he said.
Pua said that it was “completely ridiculous” if EPF now claims that they did not know of the project.
“Discussions on the above joint venture must have been concluded well before 30 March, for the rumours of the project being awarded to EPF and MRCB had been circulating in financial circles since the end of 2009.”
Pua said that EPF and MRCB should be investigated under the Capital Market and Services Act (CMSA) 2007. Those found guilty of an offence under the law can be punished by imprisonment not exceeding 10 years or a fine of not less than RM1 million.
“The failure of the Securities Commission to investigate the above transactions will seriously jeopardize our efforts in promoting confidence and trust in Malaysia’s capital market and in helping the market to function efficiently based on adherence to internationally-benchmarked principles of corporate governance,” he said.
Source: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/index.php/malaysia/58844-dap-wants-epf-mrcb-probed-for-insider-trading
Monday, April 5, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Charismatic Renewal Marks 50 Years

Left: Dennis Bennett
by Troy Anderson
Wednesday, 17 March 2010 11:59 AM EDT
April 3 marks the golden anniversary of the day Dennis Bennett told his church he’d had a ‘personal Pentecost’
This month marks the 50th anniversary of what many consider to be the origins of the modern charismatic movement.
On April 3, 1960, the late Father Dennis Bennett told his 2,600-member Episcopal congregation at St. Mark’s church in Van Nuys, Calif., that he had experienced a “personal Pentecost.” While attending a prayer meeting, the Britain-born minister had been baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in an unknown language.
“My tongue tripped, just as it might when you are trying to recite a tongue twister, and I began to speak in a new language,” Bennett recalled. “Right away I recognized several things. First it was not some kind of psychological trick or compulsion. There was nothing compulsive about it. ... It was a new language, not some kind of ‘baby talk.’ It had grammar and syntax, it had inflection and expression—and it was rather beautiful.”
The revelation angered some church leaders, who eventually asked Bennett to resign. “His experience was explosive because the Episcopal Church is known to be a very proper, intellectual and historic church,” said Rita Bennett, the rector’s widow and president of the Christian Renewal Association in Edmonds, Wash. “Some people were happy and said they wanted to be prayed over too. But others were not happy at all. They didn’t understand.”
Rather than fight about charismatic renewal, Bennett stepped down and was soon invited to “bring the fire” to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Seattle. He served as the pastor of St. Luke’s for two decades, ran Holy Spirit workshops and wrote the best-selling book, Nine O’clock in the Morning, in which Bennett shares his testimony and tells of how the charismatic movement spread throughout the nation.
Although Bennett wasn’t the first mainline denominational pastor to experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit, he was the first to openly share his testimony. The news of Bennett’s Pentecostal experience even made the newspapers and wire services, and was featured in Time and Newsweek magazines.
The membership at St. Luke’s quadrupled as renewal began to spread across the U.S. Within just a few years, people in virtually every major Protestant tradition—Baptists, Lutherans, Mennonites, Methodists, Presbyterians—were receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Charismatic renewal has since swept the globe, though Pentecostal scholars say its growth has slowed in the U.S. “The movement began to wane in America by the mid-1990s, but it continued to grow all over the world tremendously, especially Africa, Asia and South America,” said Pentecostal historian Vinson Synan, dean emeritus of the Regent University School of Divinity. “Today there are 640 million Pentecostals and charismatics. It’s still the fastest-growing part of Christianity.”
Stanley M. Burgess, a professor of Christian history at Regent University and editor of The Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, says one-third of the world’s 2 billion Christians are charismatic or Pentecostal. “The greatest explosion is now occurring in China,” Burgess said. “It’s a combination of Pentecostal and charismatic. Within 10 years, we expect that China will be the most Christian nation on Earth, and that’s just stunning.”
This year, several events are being planned to celebrate Bennett’s legacy and the 50th anniversary of the movement, including Empowered21: Global Congress on Holy Spirit Empowerment in the 21st Century, which is being held April 8-10 in Tulsa, Okla. The Rev. Billy Wilson, executive director of the International Center for Spiritual Renewal and chair of Empowered21, says the event will explore what’s on the horizon for the “Spirit-empowered” movement.
Wilson said charismatic leaders worldwide have told him there is a growing need for authentic leaders with integrity. Pastors also say there is a huge need to teach younger generations about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to answer their “heart cry” for spiritual fathers and mothers, Wilson noted.
“They have a huge desire for what I call primitive Christianity—New Testament Christianity in its purest form,” Wilson said. “They want the miraculous. They want the gifts of the Spirit, but they don’t want to make a show of it. I think this generation is positioned to not only see the movement grow, but really experience the Holy Spirit in a totally new dimension.”
In early March, the Regent University School of Divinity planned to celebrate Bennett’s legacy by archiving his papers in their library. Meanwhile, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Seattle will honor Bennett, who died in 1991, with a series of events July 26-31, marking the month when Bennett was assigned to the Seattle church. Rita Bennett, author of You Can Be Emotionally Free, also will honor her husband’s legacy during her annual Emotionally Free seminar July 19-24.
Bennett said she recently found some of her husband’s unpublished papers that shed light on how he learned to “pray from the Spirit.” She said the message is still relevant. “The reason for speaking and praying in the Spirit as often as possible is to keep in touch with your Friend, not just to fulfill a process,” the late Episcopal minister wrote. “The experiencing of gifts fulfilled is very important, but the feeling of fellowship with Jesus is far more so.”
Source: http://www.charismamag.com/index.php/component/content/article/1079/26550
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