Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Time to 'Go Beyond'!

chuckpierceI am calling you from beyond! You have been held in a place that I am calling you from. I am beyond where you are now. Come from where you are to beyond! Come from where you are to beyond! Come from where you are to beyond! For I am marshalling My army and I am calling you forth. I am causing you to be raised up. I am calling even the dry bones to come together this season. I am calling together and raising up this mighty army. You will go forth in My name. You will see kingdoms brought down. You will see kingdoms raised up. This is the season and the hour that I am marshalling My army.

You are going beyond in relationships. The friends of last season will now become the allies in the new season. The enemies of the last season may not be your enemy in this season. Go beyond your idea and your concept. I am bringing you into a new place where you are seeing beyond.

In the past I told you to look and look again. But in this season I am telling you to look, look again and look beyond. Look, look again and look beyond because beyond is the fullness of the promise. Beyond is the clustering that I have sent. Beyond is the positioning. Beyond is the alignment. Beyond is the release. So look, look again and look beyond!

Go beyond the natural into the supernatural. This is the time to heal and go with signs and wonders following. Beyond is into eternity. I am going to give you eyes to see the plans of eternity past, present and the future. I will begin to make a whole picture from the past to the present and to the future.

Fear has caused you to hang on to your finances. Fear has caused you to hang on to your past. Let go of your past—it is Mine now. Let go of your control over finances—they are mine. Let go of your life—it is mine.

As you go through this tunnel of change and beyond, I am taking you through a season of strategy. I'm giving you a strategy for the situation that is ahead. Go through the tunnel so you can get your strategy. I'm giving you a strategy to overcome the strategy of Satan. I am giving you a plan to overcome the enemy. This is the season that you move beyond. There is a strategy for you. Go through the tunnel!

Look again. Look again because I, Myself, have been hiding things from you. I, Myself, have hidden things until this moment. You have looked and you have asked, but I have hidden things from you. But now look again because I am bringing it to manifestation. I am bringing it into a new place. You must step forward and reach for it. I am calling you to reach.

Look! Look at Me in a way you've not seen Me, and you will see your enemy in a way you've not seen your enemy. If you will look at Me in My greatness and My holiness, you will see your enemy and you will see the strategy to wither your enemy. I am a Holy God and I am beginning to weight Myself upon My people. You are shielded in ways you do not know. The enemy is dreading you. You will see your enemy rise up one way, but that enemy must flee from the place that you stand so that you can advance in days ahead. Look at Me and see your enemy from My eyes, and watch your enemy flee.

About the author: Chuck D. Pierce is the president of Glory of Zion International Ministries in Denton, Texas. He is known for his prophetic gift and has been used by God to mobilize prayer throughout the world. Pierce is also the author of many books, including the best-selling Redeeming the Time. For more information about his ministry or to purchase resources, visit his website at


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