Shakespeare’s Quote:
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Spirit in You
by Smith Wigglesworth
There is a difference between the Spirit being in you and the Spirit being with you. For instance, we are getting light now from outside this building. This is exactly the position of every believer that is not baptized with the Holy Ghost. The Spirit is with every person that is not baptized, and they have light from the outside. But suppose all the light that is coming through the window was inside.
That is exactly what is to be taking place. We have revelation from outside, revelation in many ways by the Spirit, but after He comes inside, it is revelation from inside which will make things outside right.
We are baptizing people in water, remembering that they are put to death, because every believer ought to be covered. Every believer must be put to death in water baptism. The baptism of the Spirit is to be planted deeper until there is not a part of you that is left. There is a manifestation of the power of the new creation by the Holy Spirit right in our mortal bodies.
Where once we were, now He reigns supreme, manifesting the very Christ inside of us, the Holy Ghost fulfilling all things right there.
And I [Jesus] will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. —JOHN 14:16
Spirit of God, go with me and immerse me with Thy living water that You might reign in all of me. Amen.
There is a difference between the Spirit being in you and the Spirit being with you. For instance, we are getting light now from outside this building. This is exactly the position of every believer that is not baptized with the Holy Ghost. The Spirit is with every person that is not baptized, and they have light from the outside. But suppose all the light that is coming through the window was inside.
That is exactly what is to be taking place. We have revelation from outside, revelation in many ways by the Spirit, but after He comes inside, it is revelation from inside which will make things outside right.
We are baptizing people in water, remembering that they are put to death, because every believer ought to be covered. Every believer must be put to death in water baptism. The baptism of the Spirit is to be planted deeper until there is not a part of you that is left. There is a manifestation of the power of the new creation by the Holy Spirit right in our mortal bodies.
Where once we were, now He reigns supreme, manifesting the very Christ inside of us, the Holy Ghost fulfilling all things right there.
And I [Jesus] will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. —JOHN 14:16
Spirit of God, go with me and immerse me with Thy living water that You might reign in all of me. Amen.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tis the Season for Porn?

by Mona Charen
Friday, December 19, 2008
I will be called names for writing this column. It always happens. Raise the issue of the pornification of the culture and its fanatical devotees will come gunning for you. If they hope to be intimidating, they've forgotten what delete keys are for.
It's Christmastime and the Fox News Channel, the most conservative of the major media outlets, is running an ad for PajamaGrams, "the only gift guaranteed to get your wife or girlfriend to take her clothes off." The ads feature soft porn images of women disrobing and tossing slips and bras to the floor. The ads run at all times of the day and night. Thus do we usher in the season supposedly devoted to the Prince of Peace and the Festival of Lights.
We all know how far the pornification has gotten. A mainstream movie apparently treats the subject as cute and fun ("Zack and Miri Make a Porno") and it runs at the multiplex next to "Four Christmases" and "Madagascar." Hotels offer pornographic movies and omit the titles from the final bill. Victoria's Secret graces every mall -- and its windows resemble the red light district of Amsterdam. Viagra and its imitators are hawked ceaselessly. Television, music videos, and supermarket checkout magazines contain the kinds of suggestive words and images that would once have been labeled soft porn.
We know this. But what is less well understood is the world of hard-core porn that was once the province of dingy "adults only" stores in the harsher parts of town but is now available to everyone at the click of a mouse.
Last week the Witherspoon Institute convened a conference on pornography at Princeton University and invited scholars from a variety of fields to contribute. The statistics are mind-numbing. Pamela Paul, author of "Pornified," reported that "Americans rent upwards of 800 million pornographic videos and DVDs per year. About one in five rented videos is porn. Men look at pornography online more than they look at any other subject. And 66 percent of 18-34 year old men visit a pornographic site every month."
They are not, Paul and others explained, looking at Playboy magazine-like images of naked women. Instead, they are descending into darker and darker realms where sadism, fetishes, and every imaginable oddity are proffered. Sex and violence are offered together. Women are presented in a degraded -- not to say disgusting -- fashion.
Surely only people with peculiar sexual tastes are drawn to this sort of thing, right? Not exactly. Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Norman Doidge, author of "The Brain That Changes Itself," noted that pornography use actually changes the brains of consumers. Like other addictions, pornography use breeds tolerance and the need for more intensity to get the desired result. He quoted Tom Wolfe's "I Am Charlotte Simmons," in which a college kid asks casually, "Anybody got porn?" He is told that there are magazines on the third floor. He responds, "I've built up a tolerance to magazines I need videos." Tolerance is the medically correct term, Doidge notes, which is why pornography becomes more and more graphic.
The men (and they are overwhelmingly men) who become hooked on this bilge are often miserable about it. They know that it affects their capacity to love and be loved by real women. As Doidge explained, "Pornographers promise healthy pleasure and a release from sexual tension, but what they often deliver is an addiction, tolerance, and an eventual decrease in pleasure. Paradoxically, the male patients I worked with often craved pornography but didn't like it." Hugh Hefner, the godfather of mainstream porn, apparently does not have normal sex with his many girlfriends. Despite the presence of up to seven comely young women in his bed at a time, he uses porn for sexual satisfaction. Think about that.
Internet pornography truly is, as one researcher put it, "a hidden public health hazard." It isn't cute or funny. Relationships are crashing, women are suffering in silence, and men and boys are becoming entrapped by it. The Witherspoon Institute has done a valuable thing by starting a more public conversation about this cultural poison.
Celebrating Christmas - Right or Wrong?
Q: I would like your thoughts on the Celebration of Christmas. It bothers me in my spirit for I can not find any scriptual basis for it. Is it me or is it the Holy Spirit telling me? What do you believe? Is it strictly a pagan celebration?
A: I can tell you with all sincerity that the celebration of Christmas has no affect whatsoever on my spiritual life in Christ. As long as you do not bow down and worship the Christmas tree I wouldn't consider your celebration of Christmas to be pagan. Spiritual life is not determined by holy days or what we do or don't do at certain times of the year. If you honor the Lord with it then it is fine; if not that is fine too. Since most of the neighbors who don't know Jesus celebrate Christmas, and they have some dim idea that it has something to do with Jesus being born, then use it to your advantage and lead them to a more accurate knowledge of Christ. But don't get fixated on this issue. There are many more important things to concentrate on that DO make a difference in your spiritual life: walking with God, abiding in Christ, seeking the Kingdom. That's the example you'll want to set for your children: what you stand FOR, not what you stand AGAINST.
A: I can tell you with all sincerity that the celebration of Christmas has no affect whatsoever on my spiritual life in Christ. As long as you do not bow down and worship the Christmas tree I wouldn't consider your celebration of Christmas to be pagan. Spiritual life is not determined by holy days or what we do or don't do at certain times of the year. If you honor the Lord with it then it is fine; if not that is fine too. Since most of the neighbors who don't know Jesus celebrate Christmas, and they have some dim idea that it has something to do with Jesus being born, then use it to your advantage and lead them to a more accurate knowledge of Christ. But don't get fixated on this issue. There are many more important things to concentrate on that DO make a difference in your spiritual life: walking with God, abiding in Christ, seeking the Kingdom. That's the example you'll want to set for your children: what you stand FOR, not what you stand AGAINST.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
How “Newsweek” Twisted the Truth About Same-Sex Marriage
December 17, 2008
In its Dec. 15 cover story, the magazine tried to rewrite the Bible. Don't believe the lies.
If awards were given for shock journalism, Newsweek would win the prize for its provocative Dec. 15 cover story. The headline, hanging above a simple black Bible with a rainbow-striped ribbon sticking out of it, reads: “The Religious Case for Gay Marriage.” With one big kaboom, writer Lisa Miller dropped a literary bomb on 2,000 years of Christian scholarship by suggesting that Jesus would have been OK with Matthew marrying Mark and Luke marrying John.
We are accustomed to mainstream journalists shoving evolution down our throats as if no scientist in the world doubts that theory. But Miller’s diatribe against traditional Christian morality takes cultural brainwashing to a new level. She is a good ventriloquist (she makes the Bible say a lot of things it doesn’t say) but the real dummies are the people swayed by her biased reporting.
In case you haven’t read her treatise (click http://www.newsweek.com/id/172653), Miller bends the truth back and forth until she makes a pretzel out of certain Bible passages—while suggesting that David and Jonathan may have been messing around. There are so many lies per column inch in this story that an editor should have killed it—or at least demanded some objectivity. I guess the folks at Newsweek decided it’s their job to rewrite biblical morality. Here’s how Miller missed it by a mile:
Lie #1: The Bible doesn’t define marriage as one-man/one-woman. Miller insists that heterosexual monogamy can’t be found anywhere in the Bible. She must not have opened to the first page. The first three chapters of Genesis provide the ultimate biblical foundations for marriage and family. God created a man and a woman as perfect and equal partners—and blessed their union, making it the most holy of relationships. It doesn’t get any more fundamental than Adam and Eve.
Lie #2: Old Testament polygamy negates the relevance of biblical monogamy. The fact that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had multiple wives—or that David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then added her to his collection—doesn’t unravel one-man/one-woman marriage. The Bible never says God sanctioned polygamy; it was man’s carnal nature that caused him to dominate women (see Gen. 3:16) and treat them as property. Biblical patriarchs were not perfect—and their multiple wives were evidence of their sin, not proof that God rewrote the rules so they could have a harem. It was not until Jesus Christ broke the power of sin that men found the grace to build faithful, monogamous marriages.
Lie #3: Lesbianism is not called a sin in the Bible. While Miller reluctantly admits that the Old Testament condemns sex between men “in a handful of passages,” she claims that sex between women isn’t addressed. Wrong again! The apostle Paul clearly denounces lesbianism in Romans 1:26, where he calls homosexuality between women “unnatural” (or “against nature”) as well as a “degrading passion” (NASB). Miller gets an F in New Testament 101 for skipping over that obvious verse.
Lie #4: Old Testament laws against homosexuality don’t apply now. The book of Leviticus calls homosexuality “a detestable act” (20:13) and an “abomination” (18:22)—a strong term that means “a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition or habit.” Yet Miller insists that since Jewish ceremonial laws don’t apply today, then sexual standards in the Torah can be discarded. In fact, she calls the passages in Leviticus “throwaway lines.” Big mistake. God’s moral law is tied directly to His unchangeable character, while ceremonial law was linked to the old covenant—which He set aside when He enacted a new covenant in Christ. The coming of Jesus did not make stealing, murder or adultery lesser sins. Neither did His coming legitimize homosexual practice.
Lie #5: New Testament condemnation of homosexual behavior is misunderstood. Citing a common argument used by some gay-affirming churches, Miller suggests that the apostle Paul’s condemnation of gay sex in Romans 1 only applies to really despicable Roman emperors and other sexual predators who practiced male rape or multiple forms of perversion. In other words, if two men just want to make love—with no violence involved—then their erotic expression is perfectly OK.
Where does Miller get permission to make this bizarre argument? Certainly not from the biblical text, which says it as plain as day: “In the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error” (Rom. 1:26). This passage affirms that any form of sexual contact between men—violent or not—violates God’s law.
Lie #6: The Bible never excludes people from God’s blessings. Miller quotes liberal theologian Walter Brueggemann, who insists that the Bible “is bent toward inclusiveness.” This is where she really makes big blunders in her reasoning. She asks: Would a God of love send anyone to hell? Since Jesus came to liberate sinners, and since the church is called to evangelize people from all racial and economic groups, surely He will shower His love on people of all sexual persuasions, right?
This is where Universalists, inclusionists and gay-affirming churches miss the message of the gospel. They love to talk about God’s forgiveness, but they deny the necessity of repentance. They refuse to see that God made the road to salvation narrow. And they ignore the reality that eternal punishment awaits all who refuse to come to the Son of God on His terms.
Paul the apostle was quite exclusive when he talked about sexuality. “Do not be deceived,” he wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:9, “neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.” No one can explain away that passage. The God of the Bible draws clear lines. His mercy is great to those who come to Him in humility, with a willingness to change; but for those who arrogantly insist on living in their sin, only judgment awaits.
Many naive people—including biblically illiterate Christians—will be deceived by Newsweek’s gay-marriage arguments. Let’s sort through the lies and choose God’s truth over the depravity of modern American culture.
J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.
In its Dec. 15 cover story, the magazine tried to rewrite the Bible. Don't believe the lies.
If awards were given for shock journalism, Newsweek would win the prize for its provocative Dec. 15 cover story. The headline, hanging above a simple black Bible with a rainbow-striped ribbon sticking out of it, reads: “The Religious Case for Gay Marriage.” With one big kaboom, writer Lisa Miller dropped a literary bomb on 2,000 years of Christian scholarship by suggesting that Jesus would have been OK with Matthew marrying Mark and Luke marrying John.
We are accustomed to mainstream journalists shoving evolution down our throats as if no scientist in the world doubts that theory. But Miller’s diatribe against traditional Christian morality takes cultural brainwashing to a new level. She is a good ventriloquist (she makes the Bible say a lot of things it doesn’t say) but the real dummies are the people swayed by her biased reporting.
In case you haven’t read her treatise (click http://www.newsweek.com/id/172653), Miller bends the truth back and forth until she makes a pretzel out of certain Bible passages—while suggesting that David and Jonathan may have been messing around. There are so many lies per column inch in this story that an editor should have killed it—or at least demanded some objectivity. I guess the folks at Newsweek decided it’s their job to rewrite biblical morality. Here’s how Miller missed it by a mile:
Lie #1: The Bible doesn’t define marriage as one-man/one-woman. Miller insists that heterosexual monogamy can’t be found anywhere in the Bible. She must not have opened to the first page. The first three chapters of Genesis provide the ultimate biblical foundations for marriage and family. God created a man and a woman as perfect and equal partners—and blessed their union, making it the most holy of relationships. It doesn’t get any more fundamental than Adam and Eve.
Lie #2: Old Testament polygamy negates the relevance of biblical monogamy. The fact that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had multiple wives—or that David committed adultery with Bathsheba and then added her to his collection—doesn’t unravel one-man/one-woman marriage. The Bible never says God sanctioned polygamy; it was man’s carnal nature that caused him to dominate women (see Gen. 3:16) and treat them as property. Biblical patriarchs were not perfect—and their multiple wives were evidence of their sin, not proof that God rewrote the rules so they could have a harem. It was not until Jesus Christ broke the power of sin that men found the grace to build faithful, monogamous marriages.
Lie #3: Lesbianism is not called a sin in the Bible. While Miller reluctantly admits that the Old Testament condemns sex between men “in a handful of passages,” she claims that sex between women isn’t addressed. Wrong again! The apostle Paul clearly denounces lesbianism in Romans 1:26, where he calls homosexuality between women “unnatural” (or “against nature”) as well as a “degrading passion” (NASB). Miller gets an F in New Testament 101 for skipping over that obvious verse.
Lie #4: Old Testament laws against homosexuality don’t apply now. The book of Leviticus calls homosexuality “a detestable act” (20:13) and an “abomination” (18:22)—a strong term that means “a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition or habit.” Yet Miller insists that since Jewish ceremonial laws don’t apply today, then sexual standards in the Torah can be discarded. In fact, she calls the passages in Leviticus “throwaway lines.” Big mistake. God’s moral law is tied directly to His unchangeable character, while ceremonial law was linked to the old covenant—which He set aside when He enacted a new covenant in Christ. The coming of Jesus did not make stealing, murder or adultery lesser sins. Neither did His coming legitimize homosexual practice.
Lie #5: New Testament condemnation of homosexual behavior is misunderstood. Citing a common argument used by some gay-affirming churches, Miller suggests that the apostle Paul’s condemnation of gay sex in Romans 1 only applies to really despicable Roman emperors and other sexual predators who practiced male rape or multiple forms of perversion. In other words, if two men just want to make love—with no violence involved—then their erotic expression is perfectly OK.
Where does Miller get permission to make this bizarre argument? Certainly not from the biblical text, which says it as plain as day: “In the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error” (Rom. 1:26). This passage affirms that any form of sexual contact between men—violent or not—violates God’s law.
Lie #6: The Bible never excludes people from God’s blessings. Miller quotes liberal theologian Walter Brueggemann, who insists that the Bible “is bent toward inclusiveness.” This is where she really makes big blunders in her reasoning. She asks: Would a God of love send anyone to hell? Since Jesus came to liberate sinners, and since the church is called to evangelize people from all racial and economic groups, surely He will shower His love on people of all sexual persuasions, right?
This is where Universalists, inclusionists and gay-affirming churches miss the message of the gospel. They love to talk about God’s forgiveness, but they deny the necessity of repentance. They refuse to see that God made the road to salvation narrow. And they ignore the reality that eternal punishment awaits all who refuse to come to the Son of God on His terms.
Paul the apostle was quite exclusive when he talked about sexuality. “Do not be deceived,” he wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:9, “neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.” No one can explain away that passage. The God of the Bible draws clear lines. His mercy is great to those who come to Him in humility, with a willingness to change; but for those who arrogantly insist on living in their sin, only judgment awaits.
Many naive people—including biblically illiterate Christians—will be deceived by Newsweek’s gay-marriage arguments. Let’s sort through the lies and choose God’s truth over the depravity of modern American culture.
J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Turkey for Christmas 火鸡圣诞
Roasting turkey is getting more expensive in Malaysia since 3 years ago! I don't know the actual reason as to why. It used to be around RM12.00 per kg. This turkey was bought a few weeks ago. The offer price was RM26.90 per kg. The bird weighs 4.216 kg which costs me RM113.40. Now the price is RM29.90 per kg and above. if you buy a roasted bird from a western restaurant, it costs about RM290.00 per bird. Cecilia has been roasting turkeys for years. We use a gas-fire oven. On 24th evening, we will have a pot bless gathering at New Life Sanctuary.
Roasting turkey is getting more expensive in Malaysia since 3 years ago! I don't know the actual reason as to why. It used to be around RM12.00 per kg. This turkey was bought a few weeks ago. The offer price was RM26.90 per kg. The bird weighs 4.216 kg which costs me RM113.40. Now the price is RM29.90 per kg and above. if you buy a roasted bird from a western restaurant, it costs about RM290.00 per bird. Cecilia has been roasting turkeys for years. We use a gas-fire oven. On 24th evening, we will have a pot bless gathering at New Life Sanctuary.
Why Jesus Cursed the Fig Tree
by Chip Brogden (www.theschoolofchrist.org)
The most interesting thing about the word "hypocrite" is the only person in the New Testament who ever uses the word is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In that 23rd chapter of Matthew it is Jesus who says seven times, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites."
There is something very unique about the Lord Jesus, something about His character that tends to be overlooked by many people, and I would like to call your attention to it right at the outset of this message. The Lord Jesus is acutely aware of, and very much opposed to, unreality. He is especially attuned to any pretentiousness; to play-acting.
You know how one time He was hungry, and saw a fig tree off in the distance that had leaves on it. So He walked over to the tree and looked for figs. But there were no figs. And right then and there He cursed that fig tree. He cursed it. "May no man eat fruit from you again, forever." And that tree died (see Mk. 11:13-20). Get a picture in your head of what is happening here.
You know I never understood that story? I always felt sorry for the poor fig tree; especially when the Bible says it was not the season for figs. It sounds unreasonable, doesn't it? Why would Jesus expect to find fruit on the fig tree when it wasn't the season for figs?
It wasn't until many years later when I came across a little book called "Bible Manners and Customs" that I understood why Jesus cursed the fig tree. You see in that part of the world, and with that kind of fig tree, the leaves and the fruit appear at the same time. So Jesus is hungry and it isn't the season for figs, yet here is this fig tree full of leaves. Probably the only fig tree that had leaves. Now out of all the other trees this one gets the attention of Jesus. That's why He picks that one to go looking for fruit. Its leaves are advertising: "Hey look at me! I've got leaves! I've got fruit!" So Jesus says, "It isn't the season for figs, but I see your leaves, so I'm coming over to check you out." And that was too bad for the fig tree, because pretentiousness is the sort of thing that gets a very strong response from the Lord Jesus. He is like that. He will not just let it pass. That tree was a hypocritical fig tree. Lots of leaves. An outward show. But it was all pretense. It was a charade. It provided hungry people with false hope! Do you see now why He cursed it? That is the kind of thing that Jesus will not stand for.
Now the tragedy of this story is what the unfruitful fig tree represents. If you study the parables of Jesus then you know that the unfruitful fig tree represents Israel - particularly Jerusalem - supposedly the "city of the great King," waving palm branches and crying out "Hosanna!" - but the whole thing is a farce. Those same people shouting, "Hosanna!" would be shouting, "Crucify Him!" just a few days later. Lots of leaves: there's the Temple, the priesthood, the teachers of the Law, the Torah. Lots of leaves, but no fruit. Jesus said the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation who will bring forth the fruit thereof.
When the Lord looks on this religious system we have created, with all its denominations and church buildings, how do you think He views it? Do you think He is altogether satisfied with things the way they are?
The most interesting thing about the word "hypocrite" is the only person in the New Testament who ever uses the word is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In that 23rd chapter of Matthew it is Jesus who says seven times, "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites."
There is something very unique about the Lord Jesus, something about His character that tends to be overlooked by many people, and I would like to call your attention to it right at the outset of this message. The Lord Jesus is acutely aware of, and very much opposed to, unreality. He is especially attuned to any pretentiousness; to play-acting.
You know how one time He was hungry, and saw a fig tree off in the distance that had leaves on it. So He walked over to the tree and looked for figs. But there were no figs. And right then and there He cursed that fig tree. He cursed it. "May no man eat fruit from you again, forever." And that tree died (see Mk. 11:13-20). Get a picture in your head of what is happening here.
You know I never understood that story? I always felt sorry for the poor fig tree; especially when the Bible says it was not the season for figs. It sounds unreasonable, doesn't it? Why would Jesus expect to find fruit on the fig tree when it wasn't the season for figs?
It wasn't until many years later when I came across a little book called "Bible Manners and Customs" that I understood why Jesus cursed the fig tree. You see in that part of the world, and with that kind of fig tree, the leaves and the fruit appear at the same time. So Jesus is hungry and it isn't the season for figs, yet here is this fig tree full of leaves. Probably the only fig tree that had leaves. Now out of all the other trees this one gets the attention of Jesus. That's why He picks that one to go looking for fruit. Its leaves are advertising: "Hey look at me! I've got leaves! I've got fruit!" So Jesus says, "It isn't the season for figs, but I see your leaves, so I'm coming over to check you out." And that was too bad for the fig tree, because pretentiousness is the sort of thing that gets a very strong response from the Lord Jesus. He is like that. He will not just let it pass. That tree was a hypocritical fig tree. Lots of leaves. An outward show. But it was all pretense. It was a charade. It provided hungry people with false hope! Do you see now why He cursed it? That is the kind of thing that Jesus will not stand for.
Now the tragedy of this story is what the unfruitful fig tree represents. If you study the parables of Jesus then you know that the unfruitful fig tree represents Israel - particularly Jerusalem - supposedly the "city of the great King," waving palm branches and crying out "Hosanna!" - but the whole thing is a farce. Those same people shouting, "Hosanna!" would be shouting, "Crucify Him!" just a few days later. Lots of leaves: there's the Temple, the priesthood, the teachers of the Law, the Torah. Lots of leaves, but no fruit. Jesus said the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation who will bring forth the fruit thereof.
When the Lord looks on this religious system we have created, with all its denominations and church buildings, how do you think He views it? Do you think He is altogether satisfied with things the way they are?
Monday, December 15, 2008
中文《神召之声》-第29期 Chinese AG Voice - The 29th Issue
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Planets surround moon in unusual night sky
The moon shines over the Taj Mahal hotel in Mumbai, India, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008. Soldiers removed the remaining bodies from the shattered Taj Mahal hotel on Monday, searching each room in the labyrinthine building and defusing booby-traps and bombs left by the gunmen who killed 172 people during three days of terror. The planets Venus, top left, and Jupiter, top right, came in close proximity with the moon as seen from Earth Monday. In reality, Venus is almost 100 million miles way and Jupiter nearly 550 million miles from our planet. The moon is 252,000 miles away. The exact combination of planets and the moon in the right place to appear together, even when they aren't high enough in the evening sky to be appreciated, won't happen again until 2052.
(AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)

A rare positioning of planets Venus (top left) and Jupiter (top right) and the crescent moon of the Earth provides a 'smiley' effect that captivated Asia Monday night Dec. 2, 2008.
(AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

A crescent moon and the planets Jupiter (bottom) and Venus are seen in the sky over Buenos Aires December 1, 2008. Astronomers and skygazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for a rare astronomical phenomenon as two of the brightest naked-eye planets, Venus and Jupiter, join a thin crescent moon to create a brief "unhappy face" in the sky.
REUTERS/Enrique Marcarian (ARGENTINA)

Netanya moon : A picture taken from the Israeli coastal city of Netanya shows a crescent moon forming a triangle with Venus (top-R) and Jupiter (L). Astronomers refer to this rare phenomenon as an "occultation," taken from the Latin word occultare, which means "to conceal.
" A (AFP/Jack Guez)

The brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, close in on each other and the moon nearby in the night sky Nov. 30, 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii. This event, often referred to as conjunction by astronomers, happens only once every few years. The next conjunction will come in 2012.
(Photo and caption submitted by Wang Yunai)

A crescent moon is seen with the planet Jupiter in the sky over Amman December 1, 2008. Astronomers and skygazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for a rare astronomical phenomenon as two of the brightest naked-eye planets, Venus and Jupiter, join a thin crescent moon to create a brief "unhappy face" in the sky. On Sunday night, the two planets appeared closest together in an event known as "Planetary Conjunction".

A crescent moon is seen below the planets Jupiter (L) and Venus (R) in the sky over Amman December 1, 2008. Astronomers and skygazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for a rare astronomical phenomenon as two of the brightest naked-eye planets, Venus and Jupiter, join a thin crescent moon to create a brief "unhappy face" in the sky. On Sunday night, the two planets appeared closest together in an event known as "Planetary Conjunction".

A crescent moon (R) is seen with the planet Jupiter in the sky over Amman December 1, 2008. Astronomers and skygazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for a rare astronomical phenomenon as two of the brightest naked-eye planets, Venus and Jupiter, join a thin crescent moon to create a brief "unhappy face" in the sky. On Sunday night, Venus and Jupiter appeared closest together in an event known as "Planetary Conjunction".

A crescent moon is seen below Jupiter (top) and Venus in Kathmandu December 1, 2008.
REUTERS/Gopal Chitrakar (NEPAL)

Sun Nov 30, 9:33 PM ET
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A crescent moon (R) is seen below Jupiter (top) and Venus in Los Angeles November 30, 2008.

A passenger jet passes by a crescent moon at Sheoraphuli, India, in this Oct. 22, 2008 photo, as the first Indian spacecraft heads towards the moon.
(Photo and caption submitted by Rajib Singha)
(AP Photo/Rajanish Kakade)

A rare positioning of planets Venus (top left) and Jupiter (top right) and the crescent moon of the Earth provides a 'smiley' effect that captivated Asia Monday night Dec. 2, 2008.
(AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

A crescent moon and the planets Jupiter (bottom) and Venus are seen in the sky over Buenos Aires December 1, 2008. Astronomers and skygazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for a rare astronomical phenomenon as two of the brightest naked-eye planets, Venus and Jupiter, join a thin crescent moon to create a brief "unhappy face" in the sky.
REUTERS/Enrique Marcarian (ARGENTINA)

Netanya moon : A picture taken from the Israeli coastal city of Netanya shows a crescent moon forming a triangle with Venus (top-R) and Jupiter (L). Astronomers refer to this rare phenomenon as an "occultation," taken from the Latin word occultare, which means "to conceal.
" A (AFP/Jack Guez)

The brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, close in on each other and the moon nearby in the night sky Nov. 30, 2008 in Honolulu, Hawaii. This event, often referred to as conjunction by astronomers, happens only once every few years. The next conjunction will come in 2012.
(Photo and caption submitted by Wang Yunai)

A crescent moon is seen with the planet Jupiter in the sky over Amman December 1, 2008. Astronomers and skygazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for a rare astronomical phenomenon as two of the brightest naked-eye planets, Venus and Jupiter, join a thin crescent moon to create a brief "unhappy face" in the sky. On Sunday night, the two planets appeared closest together in an event known as "Planetary Conjunction".

A crescent moon is seen below the planets Jupiter (L) and Venus (R) in the sky over Amman December 1, 2008. Astronomers and skygazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for a rare astronomical phenomenon as two of the brightest naked-eye planets, Venus and Jupiter, join a thin crescent moon to create a brief "unhappy face" in the sky. On Sunday night, the two planets appeared closest together in an event known as "Planetary Conjunction".

A crescent moon (R) is seen with the planet Jupiter in the sky over Amman December 1, 2008. Astronomers and skygazers across the world are keeping watch on Monday night for a rare astronomical phenomenon as two of the brightest naked-eye planets, Venus and Jupiter, join a thin crescent moon to create a brief "unhappy face" in the sky. On Sunday night, Venus and Jupiter appeared closest together in an event known as "Planetary Conjunction".

A crescent moon is seen below Jupiter (top) and Venus in Kathmandu December 1, 2008.
REUTERS/Gopal Chitrakar (NEPAL)

Sun Nov 30, 9:33 PM ET
Previous 27 of 28 Next
A crescent moon (R) is seen below Jupiter (top) and Venus in Los Angeles November 30, 2008.

A passenger jet passes by a crescent moon at Sheoraphuli, India, in this Oct. 22, 2008 photo, as the first Indian spacecraft heads towards the moon.
(Photo and caption submitted by Rajib Singha)

Malaysia says PM's residence costs 1.68 million dollars a year
Source: http://news.my.msn.com/regional/article.aspx?cp-documentid=1833883#toolbar
Agence France-Presse - 12/11/2008 9:45 AM GMT
Malaysia's government drew flak Thursday after admitting it spent 1.68 million dollars a year on the prime minister's sprawling residence in the administrative capital Putrajaya.
Responding to an opposition query, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said 6.01 million ringgit (1.68 million dollars) was paid annually to state-linked developer Putrajaya Holdings for the residence's rental and upkeep.
It costs another 3.4 million ringgit a year to maintain the deputy premier's residence.
Known as the the Seri Perdana complex, the premier's sprawling residence was built by former leader Mahathir Mohamad, who in 1999 was its first tenant.
The buildings are spread over 16 hectares in the centre of Putrajaya which lies south of Kuala Lumpur, comprising three blocks which include a reception area, banquet facilities and a residence.
Abdullah lives in the complex with his wife, daughter and son-in-law and their children.
"It is wasteful to spend so much money on renting the prime minister's house when the country is facing such tough times," said opposition parliamentarian Hatta Ramli from the Islamic party PAS.
"Even though the money is going back to a government-linked company, this should not be the case as the government should really own the building the prime minister occupies," he told AFP.
"What happens if the prime minister somehow gets evicted?"
Chief minister of opposition-controlled Penang state Lim Guan Eng questioned the payment of rent to Putrajaya Holdings.
"We can understand paying maintenance, but rental does not make sense," he told AFP.
"This also begs the question as to who are the directors of the company and who gets all the profit made by the company."
Putrajaya Holding's main shareholders are national energy firm Petronas, a state-owned trust fund and government investment arm Khazanah.
Agence France-Presse - 12/11/2008 9:45 AM GMT
Malaysia's government drew flak Thursday after admitting it spent 1.68 million dollars a year on the prime minister's sprawling residence in the administrative capital Putrajaya.
Responding to an opposition query, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said 6.01 million ringgit (1.68 million dollars) was paid annually to state-linked developer Putrajaya Holdings for the residence's rental and upkeep.
It costs another 3.4 million ringgit a year to maintain the deputy premier's residence.
Known as the the Seri Perdana complex, the premier's sprawling residence was built by former leader Mahathir Mohamad, who in 1999 was its first tenant.
The buildings are spread over 16 hectares in the centre of Putrajaya which lies south of Kuala Lumpur, comprising three blocks which include a reception area, banquet facilities and a residence.
Abdullah lives in the complex with his wife, daughter and son-in-law and their children.
"It is wasteful to spend so much money on renting the prime minister's house when the country is facing such tough times," said opposition parliamentarian Hatta Ramli from the Islamic party PAS.
"Even though the money is going back to a government-linked company, this should not be the case as the government should really own the building the prime minister occupies," he told AFP.
"What happens if the prime minister somehow gets evicted?"
Chief minister of opposition-controlled Penang state Lim Guan Eng questioned the payment of rent to Putrajaya Holdings.
"We can understand paying maintenance, but rental does not make sense," he told AFP.
"This also begs the question as to who are the directors of the company and who gets all the profit made by the company."
Putrajaya Holding's main shareholders are national energy firm Petronas, a state-owned trust fund and government investment arm Khazanah.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas with Fran
It is a Fund-raising Project for the Church building fund
New Life Sanctuary, Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya, celebrates Christmas with a Concert with Francessca Peter as the main performer. She was an award-winning local artist. Hear her powerful yet sweet melodic voice as she belts out classic favourites.
Youths from NLS will perform a drama entitled "The Miracle of Christmas". At present more than 100 tables were already booked.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Chinese national Luo Yan came to study in Bible College of Malaysia one year ago. She was recommended by Pastor Robert Menzies who is based in Yunnan Province. She is returning to Yunnan on 14th Dec and will serve the Lord there. Me and wife, together with Pastor Heng and wife were giving her a farewell lunch at Puchong Puteri.
淑芳(左)与罗艳 Cecilia (L) and Luo Yan

Chinese national Luo Yan came to study in Bible College of Malaysia one year ago. She was recommended by Pastor Robert Menzies who is based in Yunnan Province. She is returning to Yunnan on 14th Dec and will serve the Lord there. Me and wife, together with Pastor Heng and wife were giving her a farewell lunch at Puchong Puteri.
淑芳(左)与罗艳 Cecilia (L) and Luo Yan


Saturday, December 6, 2008
Jack Black, Jesus, and Prop 8

by Frank Pastore
Thursday, December 04, 2008
This week, the creative minds behind “Hairspray,” composer Marc Shaiman and director Adam Shankman, opened their “Prop 8: The Musical” with an all-star studded cast that includes Jack Black, Neil Patrick Harris and John C. Reilly at Sacramento Community College.
You can watch it here: http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/c0cf508ff8/prop-8-the-musical-starring-jack-black-john-c-reilly-and-many-more-from-fod-team-jack-black-craig-robinson-john-c-reilly-and-rashida-jones
The point of the production is to shame the voting public for passing Proposition 8 a month ago, which simply defined marriage in California as between a man and a woman. The musical is clearly intended to spark more “public outrage.” No doubt, more protests, more storming of Mormon temples and Catholic churches and more vandalism against churches will follow. Beyond that, it is likely that more church services will be crashed by same-sex activists—all in the name of “tolerance,” “love,” and “mutual understanding.”
The strategy behind this shaming-of-the-public production is simple: lampoon the supporters of the constitutional amendment into embarrassment so that the next time same-sex marriage shows up on the ballot, they’ll do the “loving thing,” and support it rather than reject it, which is the only one true path to social penance, cultural redemption and liberal forgiveness—at least in the mind of the same-sex marriage crowd.
What’s new about all this is their overt play, albeit erroneously, of the Jesus card. Yes, even the “No on 8” crowd can “get religion.”
At the pivotal moment of the musical, Jesus (played by Jack Black) confronts the “Yes on 8” supporters for their belief that homosexuality is an “abomination,” and lifts a shrimp cocktail to them and says that Leviticus also says eating shellfish likewise is an “abomination.”
He then goes on to say the Bible also teaches that you can “stone your wife,” or “sell your daughter into slavery,” as evidence that you really can’t trust everything the Bible teaches. Or, as in the language of that oft-repeated favorite locution from our skeptical friends, “you can’t take the Bible literally.”
So much for the doctrine of inerrancy. I guess the Word made flesh really didn’t mean everything He said in the Word. Maybe we should put our trust in a non-believer to divine the “good” words from the “bad” words, huh?
Before leaving, Jesus even goes on to affirm, of all things, the “separation of church and state.”
Now these are delightful challenges! As a teacher, I wish more students had the courage to ask them.
Here are a few answers:
The whole point of Leviticus and Deuteronomy was to teach Israel how to separate and become distinct from all they had learned while in Egyptian captivity. They are books of contrast and separation, distinctions and differences. For example, Egypt worshipped death, Israel was called to worship life. The Ten Commandments of Exodus 20 are instructions of how to become different. Holy items shall be “sanctified”—literally, “set apart”—that is, distinct from non-holy items. Jews themselves, and later Christians, are likewise to be “set apart” for God.
Men and women were created different and distinct, therefore their roles, behavior and even dress should not be confused as the Egyptians did (and many pagan cultures still do).
For example, Deuteronomy 22:11 says, “You shall not wear a material mixed of wool and linen together.” The whole reason being “don’t confuse plant and animal products, they’re different categories, remember that.” There’s painful detail throughout the Bible pounding this meta-theme home.
God created different “kinds” of things, and we must honor His distinctions and not confuse them, for it is an “abomination,” exactly the very thing advocates for same-sex marriage are guilty of.
What about the shellfish? If you read the context of Leviticus 11:9-12, it too is talking about honoring distinctions. God is simply saying, in my paraphrase, “Eat fish, don’t eat bugs. Fish have fins and swim, bugs have legs and crawl. Even if you find things in the water that aren’t crawling, if they have legs, they can crawl—so they’re bugs, don’t eat them. Fish, good; sea-bugs, bad. Honor the distinction.”
The Bible’s statements prohibiting homosexual behavior are rooted in this need to recognize and honor the distinctions—here between men and women.
As far as the eating of shrimp, Jesus permits the eating of shellfish under what he says in Matthew 15:11: “It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the man.” And Paul emphasized in Romans 14:14 that it’s all about personal conscience anyway.
As far as the “stoning your wife” and “selling your daughter into slavery” claims go, they too have a simple answer. In 1400 B.C., before the law was given to Moses by the hand of God at Mt. Sinai, no nation had any moral code that prohibited a man from killing his wife, wives, or children for any reason. Pagans sacrificed their children to Baal and Moloch, Israel would not. Pagans could kill their families, Israel would not. So, the Old Testament improved the extant moral order by requiring men to go before the elders before any child was to be stoned (Deuteronomy 21:19). And, in all of the rabbinic writings to my knowledge there’s not one instance of the elders ever approving of a single stoning of a child.
Lastly, when you read the full context of Exodus 21:7-11, the “selling your daughter into slavery” slur, it too was an improvement over the ancient moral order. My paraphrase again, “If you sell your daughter off to a man and he becomes unhappy with her, he must give you a chance to redeem her and buy her back, he may not sell her off to foreigners. And if the man bought her for his son, she must not be treated as a slave, but as a daughter.” Like all the other teachings in the Old Testament, this was a big improvement over what was going on among the peoples around Israel.
Come to think of it, it still is—we still have “honor killings” of wayward daughters and wives today throughout the Muslim world.
Like Michelle Malkin, I too am waiting for the “other” Prop 8 musical to come out, as she says, “the one with angry activists storming restaurants and Mormon temples, hectoring elderly people over their signs, and hounding donors large and small until they pay off their tormentors in the name of tolerance. Anyone?”
I’ll bet the “Hairspray” boys won’t be doing that one any time soon.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
20/20 Hindsight: What I Hope We Learned From the Lakeland Revival
Looking back at what happened in Lakeland, I wonder if we can agree on what went wrong.
It has been four months since Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley fled the scene of Florida’s Lakeland Revival amid rumors of a moral failure. When Bentley vanished in August, the crowds thinned, God TV stopped broadcasting services, the meetings eventually shut down and Bentley’s worship leader took the popular music of the revival on the road.
Meanwhile, many people were left scratching their heads. Some were angry with Bentley for leaving his wife. Some were confused because their faith had been energized during the six-month-long experience. Many charismatic ministry leaders defended the revival, saying that it was never supposed to focus on a man. Others blamed Bentley’s critics for the revival’s demise.
"Ministers of the gospel need both godly character and powerful anointing. Why did we ever settle for the idea that we should have one without the other."
Late last week the board of directors of Fresh Fire Ministries—which Bentley resigned from in August—released a lengthy statement to update its supporters on Bentley’s condition. The letter confirmed that (1) Bentley is “resolute in his intentions” to divorce his wife, Shonnah—and that “he admits to being 100% responsible for the divorce”; (2) his relationship with his former intern is ongoing; (3) the evangelist drank inappropriately during the revival; and (4) he has yet to enter into a clear system of accountability with Christian leaders who have offered to help him.
The six-page statement, which defended the impact of the Lakeland Revival, did not excuse Bentley’s behavior. “We believe there are currently no biblical grounds for Todd to leave his wife and children,” the board members said. They added: “The nature of the present relationship between Todd and his former staff member is that of adultery.”
Lakeland was a painful chapter in the history of our movement, not just because such a highly visible preacher made such embarrassing moral choices but also because Christian leaders never agreed on what went wrong or how it could have been avoided. Now that the accident scene is in our rearview mirror, I wonder if we can agree on at least some points. Here are some lessons I hope we have learned by now:
Lesson #1: Accountability. Accountability. Accountability. I wish just saying the word over and over could impress the concept in our minds. Leaders must live according to biblical standards. Period. Bentley’s board admitted in their statement that after the Lakeland meetings went into full swing, Bentley developed troubling behavior patterns. That would have been the right time for someone with apostolic courage to demand that Bentley step down for a season until he got his spiritual life in order. If we really want New Testament miracles and New Testament impact, maybe we should embrace New Testament discipline.
Lesson #2: The one-man show is over. New Testament ministry is about teams, not hotshots. Paul shared the workload with Barnabas, Phoebe, Clement, Priscilla, Aquilla and many others. And he protested when people tried to make him out to be a god. When will we learn that the superstar syndrome actually thwarts genuine revival because it causes audiences to focus on man instead of Jesus?
I know there are those who insist that Bentley didn’t want people to notice him. But if that’s true, why did he cover himself with tattoos a few years ago, when he was in the ministry? I’m not a stickler about tattoos, but in Bentley’s case they definitely should have been a red flag. Anyone who craves that much attention needs counseling before they get on a stage.
Lesson #3: Chill out. The Fresh Fire board, in last week’s statement, admitted that one of their biggest mistakes was allowing Bentley’s meetings to go on week after week without a break. Bentley tried to preach continually without rest, and as a result he burned out. Most likely his staff burned out too. No Sabbath, no time for family, no time to unwind. No human being can keep such a schedule without imploding.
Isn’t this also true for the American church scene? Our rule has become, “The show must go on.” We are driven to keep the seats full and the money coming in. The more we work, the more we grow—so we have to work harder to maintain the growth and pay the bills. The pace becomes more and more frantic until the engines fail and the wheels fall off. Building God’s way requires patience, pacing, regular maintenance and plenty of downtime to receive His ongoing guidance and grace.
Lesson #4: Character is more important than anointing. Some revival groupies disagree with me on this. They’re so desperate for a display of miracles that they’ll take a zap from someone who has questionable morals or shoddy values. They don’t mind who lays hands on them as long as they are thrown to the floor while the crowd cheers.
I love revival too, and I’ve spent time on the floor soaking in God’s presence. I love the anointing. But please: Can you show me in the Word of God that character is not required of leaders? The Bible says imposters who work miracles will spend eternity in hell. Working miracles does not win anyone brownie points with God. Ministers of the gospel need both godly character and powerful anointing. Why did we ever settle for the idea that we should have one without the other?
Lesson #5: Lay hands on no man quickly. Many of us are still grieving over the fact that a large number of charismatic leaders stood on a stage in Lakeland in June and publicly commissioned Bentley. Some praised him for his integrity and humility while others prophesied about the nations he will evangelize and the increased spiritual influence he will wield. Today those proclamations (readily available on YouTube) seem hollow and embarrassing.
Some who stood on that stage insist that God told them to do a public commissioning service. One recently hinted to me that it was a mistake. I’ll let them sort that out. Personally, it saddens me that our movement has been tarnished by what appears to be a serious lack of discernment. In the crazy world of independent ministries—which already lack proper accountability—leaders should take the time to investigate a preacher before commending him on international television.
Lesson #6: You can’t have revival without repentance. The word “revival” is thrown around loosely these days. If a few people fall on the floor, get goose bumps or see gold dust, we are ready to christen it a revival and put it on television as soon as possible. After all, if large crowds gather, it must be God!
I’m tired of imitations. History shows that genuine revival is more than a bunch of blessed bodies in a pile. We need more than angel feathers, emotional euphoria and limp pep talks about getting high on Jesus. We need the strong Word of God that convicts hearts, demands repentance, slays sin and has the power to produce converts who will withstand temptation.
With Lakeland behind us, let’s celebrate the testimonies that came out of it, enjoy the songs we sang during it and pray for the restoration of the man God used to start it. Then, let’s learn from our mistakes and press on to better things.
J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.
It has been four months since Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley fled the scene of Florida’s Lakeland Revival amid rumors of a moral failure. When Bentley vanished in August, the crowds thinned, God TV stopped broadcasting services, the meetings eventually shut down and Bentley’s worship leader took the popular music of the revival on the road.
Meanwhile, many people were left scratching their heads. Some were angry with Bentley for leaving his wife. Some were confused because their faith had been energized during the six-month-long experience. Many charismatic ministry leaders defended the revival, saying that it was never supposed to focus on a man. Others blamed Bentley’s critics for the revival’s demise.
"Ministers of the gospel need both godly character and powerful anointing. Why did we ever settle for the idea that we should have one without the other."
Late last week the board of directors of Fresh Fire Ministries—which Bentley resigned from in August—released a lengthy statement to update its supporters on Bentley’s condition. The letter confirmed that (1) Bentley is “resolute in his intentions” to divorce his wife, Shonnah—and that “he admits to being 100% responsible for the divorce”; (2) his relationship with his former intern is ongoing; (3) the evangelist drank inappropriately during the revival; and (4) he has yet to enter into a clear system of accountability with Christian leaders who have offered to help him.
The six-page statement, which defended the impact of the Lakeland Revival, did not excuse Bentley’s behavior. “We believe there are currently no biblical grounds for Todd to leave his wife and children,” the board members said. They added: “The nature of the present relationship between Todd and his former staff member is that of adultery.”
Lakeland was a painful chapter in the history of our movement, not just because such a highly visible preacher made such embarrassing moral choices but also because Christian leaders never agreed on what went wrong or how it could have been avoided. Now that the accident scene is in our rearview mirror, I wonder if we can agree on at least some points. Here are some lessons I hope we have learned by now:
Lesson #1: Accountability. Accountability. Accountability. I wish just saying the word over and over could impress the concept in our minds. Leaders must live according to biblical standards. Period. Bentley’s board admitted in their statement that after the Lakeland meetings went into full swing, Bentley developed troubling behavior patterns. That would have been the right time for someone with apostolic courage to demand that Bentley step down for a season until he got his spiritual life in order. If we really want New Testament miracles and New Testament impact, maybe we should embrace New Testament discipline.
Lesson #2: The one-man show is over. New Testament ministry is about teams, not hotshots. Paul shared the workload with Barnabas, Phoebe, Clement, Priscilla, Aquilla and many others. And he protested when people tried to make him out to be a god. When will we learn that the superstar syndrome actually thwarts genuine revival because it causes audiences to focus on man instead of Jesus?
I know there are those who insist that Bentley didn’t want people to notice him. But if that’s true, why did he cover himself with tattoos a few years ago, when he was in the ministry? I’m not a stickler about tattoos, but in Bentley’s case they definitely should have been a red flag. Anyone who craves that much attention needs counseling before they get on a stage.
Lesson #3: Chill out. The Fresh Fire board, in last week’s statement, admitted that one of their biggest mistakes was allowing Bentley’s meetings to go on week after week without a break. Bentley tried to preach continually without rest, and as a result he burned out. Most likely his staff burned out too. No Sabbath, no time for family, no time to unwind. No human being can keep such a schedule without imploding.
Isn’t this also true for the American church scene? Our rule has become, “The show must go on.” We are driven to keep the seats full and the money coming in. The more we work, the more we grow—so we have to work harder to maintain the growth and pay the bills. The pace becomes more and more frantic until the engines fail and the wheels fall off. Building God’s way requires patience, pacing, regular maintenance and plenty of downtime to receive His ongoing guidance and grace.
Lesson #4: Character is more important than anointing. Some revival groupies disagree with me on this. They’re so desperate for a display of miracles that they’ll take a zap from someone who has questionable morals or shoddy values. They don’t mind who lays hands on them as long as they are thrown to the floor while the crowd cheers.
I love revival too, and I’ve spent time on the floor soaking in God’s presence. I love the anointing. But please: Can you show me in the Word of God that character is not required of leaders? The Bible says imposters who work miracles will spend eternity in hell. Working miracles does not win anyone brownie points with God. Ministers of the gospel need both godly character and powerful anointing. Why did we ever settle for the idea that we should have one without the other?
Lesson #5: Lay hands on no man quickly. Many of us are still grieving over the fact that a large number of charismatic leaders stood on a stage in Lakeland in June and publicly commissioned Bentley. Some praised him for his integrity and humility while others prophesied about the nations he will evangelize and the increased spiritual influence he will wield. Today those proclamations (readily available on YouTube) seem hollow and embarrassing.
Some who stood on that stage insist that God told them to do a public commissioning service. One recently hinted to me that it was a mistake. I’ll let them sort that out. Personally, it saddens me that our movement has been tarnished by what appears to be a serious lack of discernment. In the crazy world of independent ministries—which already lack proper accountability—leaders should take the time to investigate a preacher before commending him on international television.
Lesson #6: You can’t have revival without repentance. The word “revival” is thrown around loosely these days. If a few people fall on the floor, get goose bumps or see gold dust, we are ready to christen it a revival and put it on television as soon as possible. After all, if large crowds gather, it must be God!
I’m tired of imitations. History shows that genuine revival is more than a bunch of blessed bodies in a pile. We need more than angel feathers, emotional euphoria and limp pep talks about getting high on Jesus. We need the strong Word of God that convicts hearts, demands repentance, slays sin and has the power to produce converts who will withstand temptation.
With Lakeland behind us, let’s celebrate the testimonies that came out of it, enjoy the songs we sang during it and pray for the restoration of the man God used to start it. Then, let’s learn from our mistakes and press on to better things.
J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thailand Unrest
Bangkok Airport was closed for many days now. What do the Thais want? They were known to be peaceful people. Mind you they did not involve themselves in the two World War.
It seems they wanted to bring monarchy back. Or they were manipulated by a hidden man. Could that be Thaksin, the former PM? Not surprising, as he is a billionaire.
Well Thais are simple-minded people. Their education system was low standard though they produced many university graduates.
Hey, look at Malaysia. We are run by a bunch of leaders who have lost directions. Our education is domestic-focus instead of international-focus. Lately, there had been verbal war going on among BN component parties. Our DPM Najib wanted the component parties to resolve matters under BN Channel.
What is BN Channel? Well, all parties cannot debate differences openly. They must debate under closed-door. Ooup, that was how MCA and MIC died in the previous Gen Election. Because the Chinese and Indians did not hear the voice of MCA and MIC leaders when their rights were deprived. Under closed door meetings, UMNO will always shut the mouths of other component parties.
UMNO will never change. Look at Mukhriz, the son of Mahathir, how he opined that vernacular schools be closed for unity's sake. Mukhriz, you are wrong, the Chinese and Indians are guaranteed of their mother-tongue education by out Constitution. The Chinese and Indians will remember your words. Be sure that during the next Gen. Election, they will bring out your racial remarks.
So MCA president Ong Tee Keat will not compromise now. He must oppose race-cards played by UMNO openly. Or else MCA will soon be irrelevant. Mind you, under Samy Vellu, MIC is already irrelevant!
Neither is the Pakatan Rakyat doing well. The 3 parties are sleeping on the same bed and each having different dreams.
Now PKR chairman Wan Azizah, wife of Anwar, wanted to bring back monarchy. Well, King Solomaon said there are no new things under the sun. History will always rotate in repetition. So don't be surprise that very soon we will see emperors (Huang Di) surface in China.
It seems they wanted to bring monarchy back. Or they were manipulated by a hidden man. Could that be Thaksin, the former PM? Not surprising, as he is a billionaire.
Well Thais are simple-minded people. Their education system was low standard though they produced many university graduates.
Hey, look at Malaysia. We are run by a bunch of leaders who have lost directions. Our education is domestic-focus instead of international-focus. Lately, there had been verbal war going on among BN component parties. Our DPM Najib wanted the component parties to resolve matters under BN Channel.
What is BN Channel? Well, all parties cannot debate differences openly. They must debate under closed-door. Ooup, that was how MCA and MIC died in the previous Gen Election. Because the Chinese and Indians did not hear the voice of MCA and MIC leaders when their rights were deprived. Under closed door meetings, UMNO will always shut the mouths of other component parties.
UMNO will never change. Look at Mukhriz, the son of Mahathir, how he opined that vernacular schools be closed for unity's sake. Mukhriz, you are wrong, the Chinese and Indians are guaranteed of their mother-tongue education by out Constitution. The Chinese and Indians will remember your words. Be sure that during the next Gen. Election, they will bring out your racial remarks.
So MCA president Ong Tee Keat will not compromise now. He must oppose race-cards played by UMNO openly. Or else MCA will soon be irrelevant. Mind you, under Samy Vellu, MIC is already irrelevant!
Neither is the Pakatan Rakyat doing well. The 3 parties are sleeping on the same bed and each having different dreams.
Now PKR chairman Wan Azizah, wife of Anwar, wanted to bring back monarchy. Well, King Solomaon said there are no new things under the sun. History will always rotate in repetition. So don't be surprise that very soon we will see emperors (Huang Di) surface in China.
Is It OK for Christians to Practice Yoga?
Recently some Islamic Groups in Malaysia wanted to ban Muslims from practicing Yoga. The following article was taken from NECF website.
At the end there are two images which are meant to be for humorous purpose only.
Meditating on Yoga
Source: National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF)
On Nov. 22, the National Fatwa Council (NFC) issued an edict that yoga is haram (prohibited) for Muslims. Earlier on, Prof. Zakaria Stapa of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Islamic Studies Centre had remarked that practising yoga could deviate Muslims from their faith. His statement drew negative reactions from yoga instructors and students.
The president of the Malaysia Yoga Society lamented the misunderstanding and said that Malaysian yoga was different from the practices in India which incorporated religion and spirituality. It was “more of a treatment modality” (TheSun, 23/11/08)
Many view yoga as a form of exercise to strengthen and improve their muscles and breathing as well as to relax their mind, thus keeping them good health. But why has it become such a big issue to certain religious groups? The bone of contention seems to be the meditation techniques – or “curbing the mind” as some call it. While it has been argued that these techniques are scientifically proven to improve one’s health and have nothing to do with religion, yogis – practitioners of yoga who have reached an advanced spiritual state – think otherwise. They are adamant that yoga, regardless of how it is branded, is Hinduism.
Within the Christian community, yoga too has been a controversial subject – some have reservations while others see nothing wrong as long as those who practise do not deviate from Christian faith. Rev. Dr Herman Shastri, the General Secretary of the Malaysian Council of Churches, opined that it was all right so long as Christians do not pray “to other Gods while practising yoga” (The Star, 31/10/08). However, some Christians disagree, and like the yogis, they firmly believe that yoga cannot be separated from its Hindu roots even if one takes away the spiritual underpinning and practises only the physical exercises.
Still others hold that yoga can surely be redeemed for God’s good purposes because our God is a redemptive God. A growing interest in Christian Yoga was thus developed, particularly in America, replacing Hindu spirituality and philosophy with Christian spirituality and theories. Such concept, nonetheless, did not go down well with certain groups.
The American Hindu Foundation, in its response to an article “Stretching for Jesus” featured in Time magazine (25 Aug. 2005), commented, “Hindu Americans are rightfully outraged by the brazen appropriation of one of their vibrant faith’s most lasting contributions to this country’s health, well-being and popular culture.” It called Christian Yoga an act of “intellectual property theft” and accused evangelical Christians of proselytising and converting Hindus in the guise of Christianised Hindu practices. Some Christians who formerly practised yoga think that Christian Yoga is an oxymoron.
In actual fact, Christian yoga, according to Dr Ng Kam Weng, director of Kairos Research Centre, fails to understand how yoga meditative exercises (especially the breathing techniques and the mantra chanting) work to disrupt our mental function. Change of name does not change the process, he says.
Yoga is an ancient practice that originated from India. The goal of the practitioners is to achieve oneness or union with the Absolute through physical and mental disciplines. Dr Ng emphasises that one must keep in mind the historical connection between yoga and Hinduism and how such practices are traditionally integrated with its own philosophy and spiritual worldview. The physical exercises are merely initial steps to prepare oneself to become more attuned to a higher reality.
Perhaps the question for many Christians would be: Is it possible to separate the physical exercise from the spiritual aspect?
“In theory it is possible for Christians to separate the physical exercises from the spiritual exercises. I have in mind Christians who just want to try out some postures to stretch their muscles when they exercise at home. Others who are more serious may try out *Pilates. However, those who take yoga seriously will soon find that yoga is offered as a package deal. Meditation is the main ingredient to achieve spiritual enlightenment. In other words, serious yoga instructors do not separate the form from the substance,” Dr Ng explains.
He also clarifies the difference between Christian and yoga meditation. The former carries a positive function as meditating on the glory of God and His manifold works inspire the Christian to praise and love God; it is relationship and content oriented. The latter, in contrast, has a negative function; it deliberately empties the mind of rational thought processes and eventually leads to the dissolution of ego or the inner self. Dr Ng cautions that Christians should be wary of such exercises in dissociating the mind from its normal function since this may leave one vulnerable to external spiritual influence.
Some may have reportedly found peace with yoga meditation, but others have developed mental dysfunction, e.g. hallucination, outburst of uncontrollable energies through the body and emotional trauma. According to renowned psychoanalyst Carl Jung, “The deliberately-induced psychotic state, which in certain unstable individuals might easily lead to a real psychosis, is a danger that needs to be taken very seriously indeed.”
Dr Ng urges Christians, who are practising yoga or who are thinking of taking it up, to seriously consider their motive for doing so. If it is merely for physical exercises, there are other alternatives; if it is for meditation, we need to seriously consider the basis of yoga meditation as it is traditionally practised.
“Why would I hitch my Christian faith to a process which might render myself vulnerable to influence from deceptive spiritual forces?” he asks.
While yoga practices are culturally not wrong, Christians are encouraged to exercise spiritual discernment in making their choices.
*Pilates (pĭ-lä’tēz) – A system of exercises that promote the strengthening of the body, often using specialised equipment. Named after Joseph Pilates (1880–1967), German-born American physical fitness instructor who developed the system. – The American Heritage® Dictionary
For your reading:
Yoga and the Body of Christ (bk) by Dave Hunt (http://canaanland.com.my/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=14804)
"Non-Muslims have a right to comment on fatwas" & "Fatwa Council Bans Yoga: Non-Muslims told not to comment" by Ng Kam Weng (http://libertysentinel.wordpress.com/)
There are apparently two ways of performing this type of yoga:
1. India - Very hard. Years of practice required.
2. Australia - Very Easy. No practice required.

At the end there are two images which are meant to be for humorous purpose only.
Meditating on Yoga
Source: National Evangelical Christian Fellowship (NECF)
On Nov. 22, the National Fatwa Council (NFC) issued an edict that yoga is haram (prohibited) for Muslims. Earlier on, Prof. Zakaria Stapa of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Islamic Studies Centre had remarked that practising yoga could deviate Muslims from their faith. His statement drew negative reactions from yoga instructors and students.
The president of the Malaysia Yoga Society lamented the misunderstanding and said that Malaysian yoga was different from the practices in India which incorporated religion and spirituality. It was “more of a treatment modality” (TheSun, 23/11/08)
Many view yoga as a form of exercise to strengthen and improve their muscles and breathing as well as to relax their mind, thus keeping them good health. But why has it become such a big issue to certain religious groups? The bone of contention seems to be the meditation techniques – or “curbing the mind” as some call it. While it has been argued that these techniques are scientifically proven to improve one’s health and have nothing to do with religion, yogis – practitioners of yoga who have reached an advanced spiritual state – think otherwise. They are adamant that yoga, regardless of how it is branded, is Hinduism.
Within the Christian community, yoga too has been a controversial subject – some have reservations while others see nothing wrong as long as those who practise do not deviate from Christian faith. Rev. Dr Herman Shastri, the General Secretary of the Malaysian Council of Churches, opined that it was all right so long as Christians do not pray “to other Gods while practising yoga” (The Star, 31/10/08). However, some Christians disagree, and like the yogis, they firmly believe that yoga cannot be separated from its Hindu roots even if one takes away the spiritual underpinning and practises only the physical exercises.
Still others hold that yoga can surely be redeemed for God’s good purposes because our God is a redemptive God. A growing interest in Christian Yoga was thus developed, particularly in America, replacing Hindu spirituality and philosophy with Christian spirituality and theories. Such concept, nonetheless, did not go down well with certain groups.
The American Hindu Foundation, in its response to an article “Stretching for Jesus” featured in Time magazine (25 Aug. 2005), commented, “Hindu Americans are rightfully outraged by the brazen appropriation of one of their vibrant faith’s most lasting contributions to this country’s health, well-being and popular culture.” It called Christian Yoga an act of “intellectual property theft” and accused evangelical Christians of proselytising and converting Hindus in the guise of Christianised Hindu practices. Some Christians who formerly practised yoga think that Christian Yoga is an oxymoron.
In actual fact, Christian yoga, according to Dr Ng Kam Weng, director of Kairos Research Centre, fails to understand how yoga meditative exercises (especially the breathing techniques and the mantra chanting) work to disrupt our mental function. Change of name does not change the process, he says.
Yoga is an ancient practice that originated from India. The goal of the practitioners is to achieve oneness or union with the Absolute through physical and mental disciplines. Dr Ng emphasises that one must keep in mind the historical connection between yoga and Hinduism and how such practices are traditionally integrated with its own philosophy and spiritual worldview. The physical exercises are merely initial steps to prepare oneself to become more attuned to a higher reality.
Perhaps the question for many Christians would be: Is it possible to separate the physical exercise from the spiritual aspect?
“In theory it is possible for Christians to separate the physical exercises from the spiritual exercises. I have in mind Christians who just want to try out some postures to stretch their muscles when they exercise at home. Others who are more serious may try out *Pilates. However, those who take yoga seriously will soon find that yoga is offered as a package deal. Meditation is the main ingredient to achieve spiritual enlightenment. In other words, serious yoga instructors do not separate the form from the substance,” Dr Ng explains.
He also clarifies the difference between Christian and yoga meditation. The former carries a positive function as meditating on the glory of God and His manifold works inspire the Christian to praise and love God; it is relationship and content oriented. The latter, in contrast, has a negative function; it deliberately empties the mind of rational thought processes and eventually leads to the dissolution of ego or the inner self. Dr Ng cautions that Christians should be wary of such exercises in dissociating the mind from its normal function since this may leave one vulnerable to external spiritual influence.
Some may have reportedly found peace with yoga meditation, but others have developed mental dysfunction, e.g. hallucination, outburst of uncontrollable energies through the body and emotional trauma. According to renowned psychoanalyst Carl Jung, “The deliberately-induced psychotic state, which in certain unstable individuals might easily lead to a real psychosis, is a danger that needs to be taken very seriously indeed.”
Dr Ng urges Christians, who are practising yoga or who are thinking of taking it up, to seriously consider their motive for doing so. If it is merely for physical exercises, there are other alternatives; if it is for meditation, we need to seriously consider the basis of yoga meditation as it is traditionally practised.
“Why would I hitch my Christian faith to a process which might render myself vulnerable to influence from deceptive spiritual forces?” he asks.
While yoga practices are culturally not wrong, Christians are encouraged to exercise spiritual discernment in making their choices.
*Pilates (pĭ-lä’tēz) – A system of exercises that promote the strengthening of the body, often using specialised equipment. Named after Joseph Pilates (1880–1967), German-born American physical fitness instructor who developed the system. – The American Heritage® Dictionary
For your reading:
Yoga and the Body of Christ (bk) by Dave Hunt (http://canaanland.com.my/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=14804)
"Non-Muslims have a right to comment on fatwas" & "Fatwa Council Bans Yoga: Non-Muslims told not to comment" by Ng Kam Weng (http://libertysentinel.wordpress.com/)
There are apparently two ways of performing this type of yoga:
1. India - Very hard. Years of practice required.
2. Australia - Very Easy. No practice required.

The Good Samaritan

by Jackie Gingrich Cushman
Sunday, November 30, 2008
This past Sunday, I listened twice to the parable of the Good Samaritan. The first time was during a morning church service with my family in Atlanta; the second time was during an afternoon funeral in Carrollton, the west Georgia town where I grew up.
The parable tells of a man who was attacked, beaten, stripped and left for dead by a band of robbers on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho. As he lay on the side of the road, two religious men passed by him –- a priest and a Levite. They were men people considered close to God. But they did not stop and help the man lying by the side of the road. Possibly they had to be somewhere, possibly they were en route to special duties that only they could perform, possibly they were afraid – the parable does not say. But, whatever the reason, they did not stop. They passed him without helping him.
Later, a Samaritan was walking on the opposite side of the road. Samaritans were thought to be religiously inferior. But the Samaritan crossed over to the man and cared for him. He then took him to an inn and gave the innkeeper money to continue caring for the man until he was better.
The parable ends with Jesus asking which of these men was a better neighbor to the man who was robbed.
The answer might appear to be obvious – the man who stopped what he was doing and took care of the man who was hurt. But certainly the priest and the Levite thought that they were doing the right thing in God’s eyes. After all, they were men of God. The question leads us to ask ourselves: Would we stop and help, or hurry on our way to something we deemed more important?
The funeral I attended was for Tracy Stallings, the father of a childhood friend. He was also a community leader (having served for decades in public office), and a fixture in the church where I grew up. In my mind, he was part of the firm foundation of our community. He was a good man, who started with nothing, worked his way up with the help of others, and made it his life’s mission to help those around him. He embodied the core beliefs of America: faith, family, patriotism, freedom, opportunity, hard work and charity.
The parable reflected his actions toward others through his life: one person helping another person. This parable does not ask us to help millions, just the one person we see in need of assistance in our life’s path. The transfer of assistance, support and hope from one human being to another is the core of the story. It is the human touch, the interaction between people, which makes it so important and real to us today.
During the funeral, I looked around the church in the town I had left a quarter century before. I felt as though I was in a time warp. Many of the people were the same, just a bit grayer. The people of the church provided me with comfort and a sense of continuity.
The parable and the trip to my hometown remind me of what makes life magical: people. In a world tormented by materialism, our focus needs to change, from the material to the personal. Creating value for people should be our goal – touching human lives specifically and individually. This creation of value leads to personal satisfaction and then monetary rewards.
Instead, many have reversed the cycle, focusing on the monetary reward as the way to get personal satisfaction, and trying to buy additional value rather than build additional value. We have made the mistake of taking the outcome of the process too seriously – like the priest and the Levite – focusing on the material rewards rather than the process of living. Instead, we should focus on the process of creating value of others.
When life seems to speed up – we need to slow down, and refocus on people rather than events, and value rather than money. Creating value for people is what life is all about.
As I drove back from Carrollton to my home in Atlanta, I thought about Tracy Stallings, and the importance of pillars in our community and cried. He took time on his journey through life to stop, and help others in need.
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