Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Warrior Saves 'Baby'
Source: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/4/16/nation/3702854&sec=nation
Thursday April 16, 2009
KUCHING: Highly-decorated former soldier Kanang Langkau has killed communists deep in Malaysian jungles, but has never seen a baby orang utan before.
“In all my 25 years serving in the jungle during my army days, I never came across a baby orang utan.
“They’re so rare and we need to protect them so that our grandchildren can still see them in the future,” he said.
*Pucker up: Kanang (left) getting a kiss from the baby orang utan before handing the primate over to Landong.*
Kanang, who was shot three times when his platoon ambushed a communist camp in Perak in 1980 and killed five communists, was awarded the Panglima Gagah Berani and Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa medals in 1981.
He had his first encounter with the baby primate last Friday when his friend businessman Tay Choon Yong was driving through the Lingga bazaar near Sri Aman, about 200km from here, and came across a boy playing with the baby orang utan by the roadside.
“I don’t know how the boy got hold of the orang utan but I suspect it was being kept as a pet,” Tay said.
Tay persuaded the boy to give him the animal by telling him that it could not be kept as a pet and that it probably would not survive in captivity.
He then called Kanang to inform him about the orang utan and Kanang proposed sending it to Semenggoh.
The two drove here yesterday to hand the animal over to Sarawak Forestry staff members and requested for it to be named Simanggang after the old name for the Sri Aman division where it was found.
Sarawak Forestry chief park warden Wilfred Landong said the orang utan would be sent to the Matang Wildlife Centre for rehabilitation and possibly released back into the wild.
“We may release it in the Kubah National Park, where the Matang Wildlife Centre is located, or at Semenggoh,” he said.
He added that special care would need to be given to the baby as it was without its mother.
“We’ll see if it can have a surrogate mother at Matang,” he said.
Landong said Sarawak Forestry would also investigate how the baby orang utan ended up in captivity.
He said Sarawak Forestry would send a team to Lingga to find out whether there was any previously unknown orang utan habitat in the area.
“We’re very interested in finding out if there’s a new habitat there. If yes, we will propose steps to protect the area,” he said.
Thursday April 16, 2009
KUCHING: Highly-decorated former soldier Kanang Langkau has killed communists deep in Malaysian jungles, but has never seen a baby orang utan before.
“In all my 25 years serving in the jungle during my army days, I never came across a baby orang utan.
“They’re so rare and we need to protect them so that our grandchildren can still see them in the future,” he said.

Kanang, who was shot three times when his platoon ambushed a communist camp in Perak in 1980 and killed five communists, was awarded the Panglima Gagah Berani and Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa medals in 1981.
He had his first encounter with the baby primate last Friday when his friend businessman Tay Choon Yong was driving through the Lingga bazaar near Sri Aman, about 200km from here, and came across a boy playing with the baby orang utan by the roadside.
“I don’t know how the boy got hold of the orang utan but I suspect it was being kept as a pet,” Tay said.
Tay persuaded the boy to give him the animal by telling him that it could not be kept as a pet and that it probably would not survive in captivity.
He then called Kanang to inform him about the orang utan and Kanang proposed sending it to Semenggoh.
The two drove here yesterday to hand the animal over to Sarawak Forestry staff members and requested for it to be named Simanggang after the old name for the Sri Aman division where it was found.
Sarawak Forestry chief park warden Wilfred Landong said the orang utan would be sent to the Matang Wildlife Centre for rehabilitation and possibly released back into the wild.
“We may release it in the Kubah National Park, where the Matang Wildlife Centre is located, or at Semenggoh,” he said.
He added that special care would need to be given to the baby as it was without its mother.
“We’ll see if it can have a surrogate mother at Matang,” he said.
Landong said Sarawak Forestry would also investigate how the baby orang utan ended up in captivity.
He said Sarawak Forestry would send a team to Lingga to find out whether there was any previously unknown orang utan habitat in the area.
“We’re very interested in finding out if there’s a new habitat there. If yes, we will propose steps to protect the area,” he said.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
拉惹粕特拉,谢谢你,你一言惊醒梦中人!你文章“这是偿还时候了” (It's Pay Back Time http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/20617/84/)分析登州10个巫统议员窝里反的原因,真的一针见血。
The End of Newsweek?

by Brent Bozell
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
One has to wonder whether Newsweek's financial gurus really think it's a smart business strategy to greet the Easter season with funerals for "Christian America," and greet the Christmas season by making the "religious case for gay marriage"? (That's not to mention all the reverent Obama worship in between.)
Christianity, in contrast to Newsweek, is in decent demographic shape. The American Religious Identification Survey that Newsweek touted -- from Trinity College in Connecticut -- estimated there are now 173.4 million self-identified Christians in America, up from 151.2 million in 1990. The percentage declined, but the actual number increased.
The real bold-faced result in the survey that spawned Newsweek's cover is the rise of what the pollsters called the "nones," up from 14 million to 34 million. In a typically ponderous essay, Newsweek editor Jon Meacham welcomed the alleged decline and fall of "the modern religious right's notion of a Christian America" because it creates a "calmer" political environment and a more "theologically serious religious life."
Translation: The "culture wars" should be declared over, and the left should be declared the winner. The Christian right should slink back to its church buildings and keep its antiquated notions of sin and salvation out of the public square. "Calmer" Christians will seek a creed that chummily goes along and gets along with the modern, secular culture. Only surrender on social issues is "theologically serious."
Newsweek greeted the coming of Easter with a black cover, and the headline "The Decline and Fall of Christian America," spelled out in red in the shape of a cross. Inside, it was more declarative: "The End of Christian America." Why? Because they found that the percentage of self-identified Christians had fallen 10 points since 1990. OK, then let's compare. How much has Newsweek's circulation fallen since 1990? Just since 2007, their announced circulation has dropped by 52 percent. It would be more plausible to state "The End of Newsweek."
At the end of 2007, Newsweek reduced its "base rate" (or circulation guaranteed to advertisers) from 3.1 million to 2.6 million, a 16 percent drop. At the end of 2008, the Wall Street Journal reported that Newsweek, faced with an estimated 21 percent decline in ad pages, could soon drop that circulation number by another 500,000 to 1 million readers. In February, the magazine confirmed the million-issue drop, saying it would drop to a base of 1.9 million in July and 1.5 million readers by January 2010.
"Mass for us is a business that doesn't work," Tom Ascheim, Newsweek's chief executive, told the New York Times. "Wish it did, but it doesn't. We did it for a long time, successfully, but we can't anymore." Now that U.S. News and World Report waved a white flag and said it would only publish monthly, the evidence is much stronger for wondering about the decline and fall of the American "news magazine" -- as if Time and Newsweek haven't already shed that label in everything but name.
Newsweek's strategy in the midst of all its financial decline is to double and triple the amount of editorializing, cast aside all semblance of "news" in favor of long, liberal essays by self-impressed Newsweek editor Jon Meacham and his international editor Fareed Zakaria. Is that really a business solution, or is it the captains performing violin solos on the deck of the Titanic?
Newsweek watchers might find it odd that Christians should surrender, but Muslims should be granted greater respect. A month ago, Newsweek's cover announced, "Radical Islam is a fact of life. How to live with it." Fareed Zakaria argued the smart strategy was "nuanced, noncombative rhetoric" that avoids sweeping declarations like "war on terror." Zakaria's piece ended right in the secular liberal's sweet spot. He was confident radical Islamism would eventually lose adherents, because "they lack answers to the problems of the modern world. They do not have a worldview that can satisfy the aspirations of modern men and women. We do. That's the most powerful weapon of all."
Modernity will win, and archaic religion will lose. All this leads back to the sneaking suspicion that the top minds at Newsweek think they are the wisest of men, the definers of trends and the shepherds of public opinion. So why is everyone abandoning their advice? Why are the captains of a magazine that's lost half its circulation telling the rest of us where the mainstream lies?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Black, White Pentecostals Mark Historic Lynching With Unity Services
by Adrienne Gaines
April 14, 2009 -- Leaders from the Assemblies of God (AG) and the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) are crossing racial divides this week to mark the anniversary of an infamous Springfield, Mo., lynching that occurred more than 100 years ago today - the same day the Azusa Street revival began in Los Angeles.
Dubbed "A House No Longer Divided," the three-day preaching event began Monday and is designed to foster unity among Pentecostal churches in Springfield, where three African-American men were murdered by a white lynch mob on April 14, 1906. The same day, William J. Seymour, who was African-American, began holding revival services in a run-down mission at 312 Azusa Street in Los Angeles, sparking the modern Pentecostal movement.
"April 14, 1906, was witness to both the darkness of humanity and the light of God," said Darrin Rodgers, director of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, the official research center for the AG and a co-sponsor of the event. "It is important that we not only remember, but also overcome, our painful history of racial disunity. A House No Longer Divided offers an opportunity to tell the world that, just like at Azusa Street, ‘the color line has been washed away in the blood [of Christ].'"
The event is also co-sponsored by Timmons Temple COGIC, Kingdom Movement Ministries and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, all in Springfield. Speakers include leaders from both the AG and COGIC. The services will be held at Timmons Temple tonight, and at the William J. Seymour Chapel at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary tomorrow.
"The city really needs it," said John Wheeler, who came up with the idea as a way to build bridges across racial and denominational lines. Wheeler is a student at the AG's Central Bible College and the great-grandson of COGIC founder Charles H. Mason.
"Walls have been set up," Wheeler told Charisma. "I just believe that this can be the beginning of breaking down those walls."
Although Rodgers disputes the claim that the AG broke off from COGIC in 1914, he said racist practices were at work within the denomination. Rodgers noted that from 1939 until 1962, the AG had a policy against ordaining African-Americans and encouraged them to join their sister church, COGIC, instead.
"That attitude of separate but equal was a reflection of the evil structures of society of that time," Rodgers said. "We have taken and continue to need to take measures to overcome that."
Wheeler said he believes one day COGIC will no longer be predominantly black. "I can see that day," he said. But beyond seeing every church become multicultural, organizers say they want to see ministries fellowship with one another and work together to meet the needs of their community.
"Right now, cross-racially we don't do much with each other," said Elder T. J. Appleby, pastor of Timmons Temple COGIC. "There's very little, if any, kind of interracial fellowship. Even if we're not thinking that there are negative racial divides, where people are having negative feelings about a different race, we aren't coming across the racial line to fellowship and ... do things together in this community."
Rodgers said he hopes A House No Longer Divided will be more than just a single event. "We hope that this will not only allow us to get to know each other better but to establish a continuing, ongoing relationship between our bodies, not just between individuals but between organizations so that maybe we can better relate to each other in the future," he told Charisma. "We don't know exactly what the future holds for us, we just believe that God's going to be there, and this will lead to great things."
April 14, 2009 -- Leaders from the Assemblies of God (AG) and the Church of God in Christ (COGIC) are crossing racial divides this week to mark the anniversary of an infamous Springfield, Mo., lynching that occurred more than 100 years ago today - the same day the Azusa Street revival began in Los Angeles.
Dubbed "A House No Longer Divided," the three-day preaching event began Monday and is designed to foster unity among Pentecostal churches in Springfield, where three African-American men were murdered by a white lynch mob on April 14, 1906. The same day, William J. Seymour, who was African-American, began holding revival services in a run-down mission at 312 Azusa Street in Los Angeles, sparking the modern Pentecostal movement.
"April 14, 1906, was witness to both the darkness of humanity and the light of God," said Darrin Rodgers, director of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, the official research center for the AG and a co-sponsor of the event. "It is important that we not only remember, but also overcome, our painful history of racial disunity. A House No Longer Divided offers an opportunity to tell the world that, just like at Azusa Street, ‘the color line has been washed away in the blood [of Christ].'"
The event is also co-sponsored by Timmons Temple COGIC, Kingdom Movement Ministries and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, all in Springfield. Speakers include leaders from both the AG and COGIC. The services will be held at Timmons Temple tonight, and at the William J. Seymour Chapel at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary tomorrow.
"The city really needs it," said John Wheeler, who came up with the idea as a way to build bridges across racial and denominational lines. Wheeler is a student at the AG's Central Bible College and the great-grandson of COGIC founder Charles H. Mason.
"Walls have been set up," Wheeler told Charisma. "I just believe that this can be the beginning of breaking down those walls."
Although Rodgers disputes the claim that the AG broke off from COGIC in 1914, he said racist practices were at work within the denomination. Rodgers noted that from 1939 until 1962, the AG had a policy against ordaining African-Americans and encouraged them to join their sister church, COGIC, instead.
"That attitude of separate but equal was a reflection of the evil structures of society of that time," Rodgers said. "We have taken and continue to need to take measures to overcome that."
Wheeler said he believes one day COGIC will no longer be predominantly black. "I can see that day," he said. But beyond seeing every church become multicultural, organizers say they want to see ministries fellowship with one another and work together to meet the needs of their community.
"Right now, cross-racially we don't do much with each other," said Elder T. J. Appleby, pastor of Timmons Temple COGIC. "There's very little, if any, kind of interracial fellowship. Even if we're not thinking that there are negative racial divides, where people are having negative feelings about a different race, we aren't coming across the racial line to fellowship and ... do things together in this community."
Rodgers said he hopes A House No Longer Divided will be more than just a single event. "We hope that this will not only allow us to get to know each other better but to establish a continuing, ongoing relationship between our bodies, not just between individuals but between organizations so that maybe we can better relate to each other in the future," he told Charisma. "We don't know exactly what the future holds for us, we just believe that God's going to be there, and this will lead to great things."
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Put Your Bet on God over Newsweek

by Terry Paulson
Monday, April 13, 2009
A recent issue of Newsweek shouts—“The End of Christian America.” On this day after Easter, we can add Newsweek to those who for 2000 years have tried to push Christianity back into the tomb.
Jon Meacham’s featured article focuses on one key statistic—the number of Americans willing to claim that they have no religious affiliation has nearly doubling from 8 to 15 percent since 1990. But even Meacham observes: “While the percentage of Christians may be shrinking, rumors of the death of Christianity are greatly exaggerated. Being less Christian does not necessarily mean that America is post-Christian. A third of Americans say they are born again; this figure, along with the decline of politically moderate-to liberal mainline Protestants…suggests a movement towards more conservative beliefs and particularly to a more 'evangelical' outlook among Christians."
Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life continues to set sales records. That is unless you consider the Bible which consistently outsells ever other book every year. In these difficult times, many churches report increased attendance. It may be more acceptable to claim unbelief, but the Christian faith remains vitally important to millions of Americans.
Contrary to what most secular Americans fear, most Christians want nothing to do with a government-endorsed religion. Nothing killed the vitality of the church in Europe more than government-sponsored churches. Open disagreements help test and strengthen one’s faith. God didn’t send his Son to win a popularity contest or impact surveys, nor did Jesus come to rally renewed patriotism. Jesus came to call people to faith and a personal relationship with God. But that shouldn’t discount the importance of the Judeo-Christian faith in founding and shaping America.
Bridging to Muslims worldwide, President Obama replied at a Turkish press conference, “One of the greatest strengths of the United States is, although as I mentioned before, we have a very large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens.”
While technically true, in contrast to Muslim countries under Sharia Law, he failed to honor our Judeo-Christian heritage’s role in shaping our culture and affirming the right of other faiths to exercise that faith without fear of persecution.
Even God can’t alter the past, but politicians sure try to change history. Our Declaration of Independence bases our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on our Creator. Fifty-two of the fifty-five Founding Fathers who worked on the Constitution were active members of an orthodox Christian faith. They’d be shocked at the attempts to banish God from the public square. Presidents like Washington, Adams, Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Reagan, and Bush had no trouble affirming our nation’s Christian underpinnings.
John Adams noted the importance of faith in maintaining a just and civil society: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
George Washington, in his Farewell Address, repeatedly affirmed the importance of Christianity: “Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. …Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
Secular relativism may rebel at such statements today, but as Feodor Dostoevski warned, "Without God, all things are permissible." America’s moral compass has been largely built on the Judeo-Christian view of right and wrong. While protecting the rights of citizens of other faiths, we should never be ashamed to affirm the central role Christianity has played in making America what it is today.
The next time President Obama welcomes Muslim leaders, I’d hope he’d change the script in his tele-prompter: “Just as you value your Muslim heritage and faith, we as Americans celebrate our Judeo-Christian heritage. For our rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness come not from Presidents or legislators, but from God. It’s our Christian values that have driven us to extend those freedoms to others, even if it means sending our young men and women to defend Muslim citizens in Bosnia and to free Muslims from tyranny in Iraq. It’s that same freedom in America that allows our Muslim citizens to freely exercise their faith without fear of persecution. We are not at war with Islam; we ask you to not be at war with Christians or Jews. We want to work with you and other responsible members of the international community to extend religious freedom to citizens throughout the world.”
We deserve presidents who are proud of our country. As a Christian himself, I’d hope that President Obama could both affirm his own faith and proudly honor America’s Christian majority for supporting equal rights for other faiths. Diplomacy requires gentleness and respect; it doesn’t require discounting our own history and core values.
As for the demise of the Christian faith, I’d put my bet on God sticking around longer than any magazine or newspaper!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Jesus was Betrayed
Jesus was Betrayed
- A Good Friday Meditation on the Word
“But behold, the hand of him who betrays me is with me on the table. For the Son of Man goes as it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom he is betrayed.” (Lk 22:21-22).
It was the last supper of Jesus with his 12 disciples. The picture of being hailed as king on that particular “Palm” Sunday was still vivid in His mind. But He knew He will soon be left alone scaling up that Mount of Death – Calvary. His disciples will soon forsake Him. At last, only John was found standing by His dear mom’s side.
What broke His heart most was the betrayal by Judas. David had prophesied about this, “Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.” (Ps 41:9). No, Jesus did not put a curse on Judas. When He said “woe to that man”, it could be any man, and Judas had a choice, he needed not be that “man”.
It was not the cross that brought Him pain but rather a friend’s betrayal that had inflicted Him much. He showed concern about Judas’ salvation. Nevertheless Judas had never made a U-turn.
In real life, some of us have also suffered betrayal by someone. Such thing will be more prominent in the last days. Paul said, “But understand this, that in the last days, there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lover of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying the power. Avoid such people.” (2 Tim 3:1-5).
The above characters are related to one another. Why is a person being treacherous? Because he or she a lover of self, a lover of money, and is proud and arrogant. Don’t ever think that Paul was talking to the unbelievers. No, he was talking to people in the House of God. People of such description are to be seen everywhere, and the Church is of no exception.
We have seen enough saints making vain promises. They broke promises when material gains propped up along the way, thus friendship was sacrificed! In the last days, integrity is becoming less weighty than gold. Saints of God manifested an absolute character flaw. As a result, the Church was made a mockery by the world.
It was painful for the Lord to be betrayed. A Bible commentator has suggested that Jesus was probably died of heart failure. Jesus, being painful over people’s hardness of hearts, bore all their burdens alone. He was forgiving about the wicked deeds of them all, including that of Judas. That probably speaks why Jesus gave up the ghost sooner than the two robbers. There was no forensic technology at that time, so no one will know the cause of His death. No matter how, sooner or later, Jesus would die being nailed. Even if He died of heart failure, He died on the cross. There is no doubt about that.
Finally, the gist of my story of meditation is that living a life of character flaw is impossible to please God. If we have gone astray, let us make a U-turn now. If someone has hurt you, forgive him or her.
- A Good Friday Meditation on the Word
“But behold, the hand of him who betrays me is with me on the table. For the Son of Man goes as it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom he is betrayed.” (Lk 22:21-22).
It was the last supper of Jesus with his 12 disciples. The picture of being hailed as king on that particular “Palm” Sunday was still vivid in His mind. But He knew He will soon be left alone scaling up that Mount of Death – Calvary. His disciples will soon forsake Him. At last, only John was found standing by His dear mom’s side.
What broke His heart most was the betrayal by Judas. David had prophesied about this, “Even my close friend in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me.” (Ps 41:9). No, Jesus did not put a curse on Judas. When He said “woe to that man”, it could be any man, and Judas had a choice, he needed not be that “man”.
It was not the cross that brought Him pain but rather a friend’s betrayal that had inflicted Him much. He showed concern about Judas’ salvation. Nevertheless Judas had never made a U-turn.
In real life, some of us have also suffered betrayal by someone. Such thing will be more prominent in the last days. Paul said, “But understand this, that in the last days, there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lover of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying the power. Avoid such people.” (2 Tim 3:1-5).
The above characters are related to one another. Why is a person being treacherous? Because he or she a lover of self, a lover of money, and is proud and arrogant. Don’t ever think that Paul was talking to the unbelievers. No, he was talking to people in the House of God. People of such description are to be seen everywhere, and the Church is of no exception.
We have seen enough saints making vain promises. They broke promises when material gains propped up along the way, thus friendship was sacrificed! In the last days, integrity is becoming less weighty than gold. Saints of God manifested an absolute character flaw. As a result, the Church was made a mockery by the world.
It was painful for the Lord to be betrayed. A Bible commentator has suggested that Jesus was probably died of heart failure. Jesus, being painful over people’s hardness of hearts, bore all their burdens alone. He was forgiving about the wicked deeds of them all, including that of Judas. That probably speaks why Jesus gave up the ghost sooner than the two robbers. There was no forensic technology at that time, so no one will know the cause of His death. No matter how, sooner or later, Jesus would die being nailed. Even if He died of heart failure, He died on the cross. There is no doubt about that.
Finally, the gist of my story of meditation is that living a life of character flaw is impossible to please God. If we have gone astray, let us make a U-turn now. If someone has hurt you, forgive him or her.
来源: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/102011
Why did Altantuya have to die?
Source: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/lite/articles.php?id=22809
APRIL 9 — Why. That is the start of many questions that have yet to be answered in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial.
The Shah Alam High Court today convicted two policemen for her October 2006 death. We now know the who, when, what, where and how of the entire murder. Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar have a right to appeal the sentence which carries the mandatory death penalty.
The trial has ended but we still don't know the whys.
Why did the prosecution or defence not call the police aide to Datuk Seri Najib Razak who recommended the policemen to political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda?
That was the tenuous link the opposition have picked on to link the prime minister to the killing. There have been wild allegations that have even appeared in newspapers across the world, including statutory declarations and cautioned statements, that have haunted Najib since the beginning of the sensational case.
Why did Altantuya hound Abdul Razak? That she even risked coming to this country to meet him but to no avail.
Why didn't he just lodge a report for harassment? But went and asked a favour from a friend in the police force.
Why did the policemen commit the crime? She was an interpreter in a country far from home and surely no threat to anyone but she died a horrible death. Why?
Why did Abdul Razak's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam disappear after filing two statutory declarations that contradict each other? And why is he still missing?
All we know is that she is dead and two people have been convicted of her murder.
We also know the trial has broken records such as being the most number of days for hearing at 159 and the most number of witnesses at 84 during the prosecution case and just two during the defence stage.
And according to police records, Azilah has been detained in prison for 891 days and Sirul, for 895 days.
But in none of those days or from among the witnesses and the accused have any of these questions been asked and answered.
And that is really what it is about, why did Altantuya have to die?
APRIL 9 — Why. That is the start of many questions that have yet to be answered in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial.
The Shah Alam High Court today convicted two policemen for her October 2006 death. We now know the who, when, what, where and how of the entire murder. Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar have a right to appeal the sentence which carries the mandatory death penalty.
The trial has ended but we still don't know the whys.
Why did the prosecution or defence not call the police aide to Datuk Seri Najib Razak who recommended the policemen to political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda?
That was the tenuous link the opposition have picked on to link the prime minister to the killing. There have been wild allegations that have even appeared in newspapers across the world, including statutory declarations and cautioned statements, that have haunted Najib since the beginning of the sensational case.
Why did Altantuya hound Abdul Razak? That she even risked coming to this country to meet him but to no avail.
Why didn't he just lodge a report for harassment? But went and asked a favour from a friend in the police force.
Why did the policemen commit the crime? She was an interpreter in a country far from home and surely no threat to anyone but she died a horrible death. Why?
Why did Abdul Razak's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam disappear after filing two statutory declarations that contradict each other? And why is he still missing?
All we know is that she is dead and two people have been convicted of her murder.
We also know the trial has broken records such as being the most number of days for hearing at 159 and the most number of witnesses at 84 during the prosecution case and just two during the defence stage.
And according to police records, Azilah has been detained in prison for 891 days and Sirul, for 895 days.
But in none of those days or from among the witnesses and the accused have any of these questions been asked and answered.
And that is really what it is about, why did Altantuya have to die?
Death for Sirul and Azilah
Malaysian court rules today that Sirul and Azilah, cops involved in Altantuya murder case, were to be hanged. I am doubtful why are the cops still covering their faces? Since the verdict was made, they are pronounced guilty, the public has the right to know who they are.
Throughout court-times, no body saw their faces outside the courts. What is the authority up to? Why was Razak Baginda released? Why did not the Private Investigator Bala be summoned to testify?
Since a French newspaper had reported on it, why did not the prosecutor extend its investigation over the submarines commission?
These are some of the unresolved questions revolving in the minds of many people.
Both Sirul and Azilah looked calm when the sentences were pronounced. Will they escape death at the end?
Also refer to: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/101984
Throughout court-times, no body saw their faces outside the courts. What is the authority up to? Why was Razak Baginda released? Why did not the Private Investigator Bala be summoned to testify?
Since a French newspaper had reported on it, why did not the prosecutor extend its investigation over the submarines commission?
These are some of the unresolved questions revolving in the minds of many people.
Both Sirul and Azilah looked calm when the sentences were pronounced. Will they escape death at the end?
Also refer to: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/101984
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Do Mahathir A Favour: Ignore Him
Apr 3, 2009
Source: http://www.mysinchew.com/node/22780
UMNO succeeded brilliantly in putting on a well-orchestrated monologue carnival on the universally fashionable twin-theme of change and reform at their just concluded annual political jamboree. They succeeded in the event of mesmerising themselves into a frenzy. Talking change is easy, but “walking the change” is when the uncommitted falls by the wayside.
By all accounts, UMNO, of all political parties in Malaysia, is a most unlikely candidate for change. It is stuck in a time warp. Its leadership, never known for its ability to focus on critical national issues and respond quickly to the needs of the moment, more often than not, has absolutely no clue where to begin the process.
Blaming the opposition for things that do not go according to plan is well and good, but it would be more helpful and constructive for UMNO to accept and digest a simple fact of life which stipulates that the external pressures acting on you are only as influential as your internal weaknesses. UMNO’s internal weaknesses are there for all to see, but it says a great deal about its organisational culture that the leaders remain both deaf and blind to the rot that stares them in the face. This being the case, UMNO continues to stumble from crisis to crisis, quite unaware why even the Malays who should be rallying round to support it are instead turning their backs on it.
"Admitting Mahathir back into UMNO’s inner sanctum will add to its problems."
UMNO is not ready to move forward. More baffling is why its leaders are making overtures to Mahathir to return and even act as “adviser.” It somehow suggests complete arrogance, totally muddled thinking and a disdain for Malaysian public opinion on their part. It is, I am convinced, a pathological streak that is part of the UMNO political tradition. We have had enough of Mahathir’s brand of “good governance” for twenty-two agonising, heart-rending, years that saw “Grand Corruption”, ( first coined by George Moody-Stuart and used as the title of his famous book on international corruption) being institutionalised in every important facet of our national life. By any yardstick, Mahathir’s tenure was twenty-two years too long. We need Mahathir as we need a tail between our legs.
For UMNO in particular, any attempt at open reconciliation with Mahathir, the ‘megalomeddler’, (a new word I have just invented to add further to the richness of English) will be the kiss of death. If, in the intoxicating afterglow of their 59th general assembly UMNO leaders were disposed to be generous towards Mahathir, and forgive him all his transgressions and sins against society, they need to have their heads examined.
Based on what we know about the man, Mahathir is happiest when he is also at his mischievous best. If there is no crisis, Mahathir will see to it that one is invented. He survived 22 years in office by playing on, and manipulating shamelessly, our fears of a recurrence of the May 13 incident which nearly tore this nation apart in 1969. It is a card that some UMNO types at good at pulling out of their pack when they feel threatened by challenges to “ketuanan Melayu.”
It is not in the man’s mental make up to give, as we have seen in his unremitting hostility to Abdullah Badawi, his anointed successor, a sporting chance to make a mark as prime minister. But, then, Mahathir was not a sportsman in the mould of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein or even Tun Hussein Onn. One of the central dogmas of Mahathirism and one espoused by the great man with unbounded passion is “winner takes all.”
He did not believe in taking prisoners. The battle field of his choice was the judicial arena where he held sway, and where crouching judges were falling over each other in an embarrassingly sycophantic display of eternal gratitude to their benefactor and where witnesses were “turned” at will to coerce them to cooperate. In one fell swoop, one of the most respected judicial institutions in the Commonwealth became an object of fun, ridicule and derision.
His maniacal urge to dominate everything and everyone in sight is a serious character flaw. To think that he will ever be a moderating influence and, therefore, an asset in the much-needed reinvention of UMNO to be in readiness for the 13th general elections is to believe in Grimm’s Fairy Tales of my childhood.
The nation is well-rid of the man. In God’s name, let him go his own meddling way and we, our own, free to determine our lives in accordance with the Constitution and the dictates of our conscience.
Admitting Mahathir back into UMNO’s inner sanctum will add to its problems, and internal unity will forever remain a gleam in the eye, and it will hasten the demise of UMNO, now already on its last legs. Perhaps I should just say nothing and let UMNO leaders find out for themselves the joy of having Mahathir under the same roof. (By TUNKU ABDUL AZIZ/ MySinchew)
Apr 3, 2009
Source: http://www.mysinchew.com/node/22780
UMNO succeeded brilliantly in putting on a well-orchestrated monologue carnival on the universally fashionable twin-theme of change and reform at their just concluded annual political jamboree. They succeeded in the event of mesmerising themselves into a frenzy. Talking change is easy, but “walking the change” is when the uncommitted falls by the wayside.
By all accounts, UMNO, of all political parties in Malaysia, is a most unlikely candidate for change. It is stuck in a time warp. Its leadership, never known for its ability to focus on critical national issues and respond quickly to the needs of the moment, more often than not, has absolutely no clue where to begin the process.
Blaming the opposition for things that do not go according to plan is well and good, but it would be more helpful and constructive for UMNO to accept and digest a simple fact of life which stipulates that the external pressures acting on you are only as influential as your internal weaknesses. UMNO’s internal weaknesses are there for all to see, but it says a great deal about its organisational culture that the leaders remain both deaf and blind to the rot that stares them in the face. This being the case, UMNO continues to stumble from crisis to crisis, quite unaware why even the Malays who should be rallying round to support it are instead turning their backs on it.
"Admitting Mahathir back into UMNO’s inner sanctum will add to its problems."
UMNO is not ready to move forward. More baffling is why its leaders are making overtures to Mahathir to return and even act as “adviser.” It somehow suggests complete arrogance, totally muddled thinking and a disdain for Malaysian public opinion on their part. It is, I am convinced, a pathological streak that is part of the UMNO political tradition. We have had enough of Mahathir’s brand of “good governance” for twenty-two agonising, heart-rending, years that saw “Grand Corruption”, ( first coined by George Moody-Stuart and used as the title of his famous book on international corruption) being institutionalised in every important facet of our national life. By any yardstick, Mahathir’s tenure was twenty-two years too long. We need Mahathir as we need a tail between our legs.
For UMNO in particular, any attempt at open reconciliation with Mahathir, the ‘megalomeddler’, (a new word I have just invented to add further to the richness of English) will be the kiss of death. If, in the intoxicating afterglow of their 59th general assembly UMNO leaders were disposed to be generous towards Mahathir, and forgive him all his transgressions and sins against society, they need to have their heads examined.
Based on what we know about the man, Mahathir is happiest when he is also at his mischievous best. If there is no crisis, Mahathir will see to it that one is invented. He survived 22 years in office by playing on, and manipulating shamelessly, our fears of a recurrence of the May 13 incident which nearly tore this nation apart in 1969. It is a card that some UMNO types at good at pulling out of their pack when they feel threatened by challenges to “ketuanan Melayu.”
It is not in the man’s mental make up to give, as we have seen in his unremitting hostility to Abdullah Badawi, his anointed successor, a sporting chance to make a mark as prime minister. But, then, Mahathir was not a sportsman in the mould of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein or even Tun Hussein Onn. One of the central dogmas of Mahathirism and one espoused by the great man with unbounded passion is “winner takes all.”
He did not believe in taking prisoners. The battle field of his choice was the judicial arena where he held sway, and where crouching judges were falling over each other in an embarrassingly sycophantic display of eternal gratitude to their benefactor and where witnesses were “turned” at will to coerce them to cooperate. In one fell swoop, one of the most respected judicial institutions in the Commonwealth became an object of fun, ridicule and derision.
His maniacal urge to dominate everything and everyone in sight is a serious character flaw. To think that he will ever be a moderating influence and, therefore, an asset in the much-needed reinvention of UMNO to be in readiness for the 13th general elections is to believe in Grimm’s Fairy Tales of my childhood.
The nation is well-rid of the man. In God’s name, let him go his own meddling way and we, our own, free to determine our lives in accordance with the Constitution and the dictates of our conscience.
Admitting Mahathir back into UMNO’s inner sanctum will add to its problems, and internal unity will forever remain a gleam in the eye, and it will hasten the demise of UMNO, now already on its last legs. Perhaps I should just say nothing and let UMNO leaders find out for themselves the joy of having Mahathir under the same roof. (By TUNKU ABDUL AZIZ/ MySinchew)
2009-04-03 20:02
來源: http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/9390
巫統沒有準備好向前邁進,更令人困惑的是,為甚麼其領袖竟然主動要求馬哈迪回歸,甚至成為“顧問”?從某種角度而言,這是徹底的傲慢、思想糊塗,並輕蔑大馬民意。我相信病態傾向是巫統政治文化的一部份。令人痛苦的22年馬哈迪模式“良好管治”,導致“重大腐敗”( 這是George Moody-Stuart在其著名的國際貪污著作中首倡的用語)在國民生活中每一重大層面都被制度化的年代,我們認為已經足夠。不論以甚麼標準來衡量,馬哈迪22年的掌政期太長了。
2009-04-03 20:02
來源: http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/9390
巫統沒有準備好向前邁進,更令人困惑的是,為甚麼其領袖竟然主動要求馬哈迪回歸,甚至成為“顧問”?從某種角度而言,這是徹底的傲慢、思想糊塗,並輕蔑大馬民意。我相信病態傾向是巫統政治文化的一部份。令人痛苦的22年馬哈迪模式“良好管治”,導致“重大腐敗”( 這是George Moody-Stuart在其著名的國際貪污著作中首倡的用語)在國民生活中每一重大層面都被制度化的年代,我們認為已經足夠。不論以甚麼標準來衡量,馬哈迪22年的掌政期太長了。
Friday, April 3, 2009
面对面的侧写―― 他还没脱裤,你就叫春了
来源: http://www.merdekareview.com/news/n/9273.html
作者/林宏祥专栏 Apr 03, 2009 11:46:34 am
这绝非(只是)“关起房门你情我愿”的男女(男男/女女)私情,这是“在森林公开摧毁人命、引爆尸体”的谋杀案件。嫌凶是纳吉身旁的智囊、保镖;C4出自纳吉掌管的国防部(案发时)……纳吉没有否认网络上揭露的来往手机短讯内容,仅以“这是隐私”、“我没有滥权”回身闪避。【点击:间接承认手机短讯真实性? 纳吉否认滥权干预蒙女案】
眼前正在发生的是,内政部在三场补选频临之际,将人民公正党及回教党的喉舌高高吊起,长达三个月。水炮车长驱直入、催泪弹空中散落,强硬驱逐出席聆听民联政治讲座的人民。纳吉领导下的巫统,继续用“背叛君王”的罪名,套在民联大臣莫哈末尼查(Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin)身上;继续用粗糙的论述,愚弄马来人社会,要这个民族停留在“君要臣死,臣不得不死”的封建时代……
作者/林宏祥专栏 Apr 03, 2009 11:46:34 am
这绝非(只是)“关起房门你情我愿”的男女(男男/女女)私情,这是“在森林公开摧毁人命、引爆尸体”的谋杀案件。嫌凶是纳吉身旁的智囊、保镖;C4出自纳吉掌管的国防部(案发时)……纳吉没有否认网络上揭露的来往手机短讯内容,仅以“这是隐私”、“我没有滥权”回身闪避。【点击:间接承认手机短讯真实性? 纳吉否认滥权干预蒙女案】
眼前正在发生的是,内政部在三场补选频临之际,将人民公正党及回教党的喉舌高高吊起,长达三个月。水炮车长驱直入、催泪弹空中散落,强硬驱逐出席聆听民联政治讲座的人民。纳吉领导下的巫统,继续用“背叛君王”的罪名,套在民联大臣莫哈末尼查(Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin)身上;继续用粗糙的论述,愚弄马来人社会,要这个民族停留在“君要臣死,臣不得不死”的封建时代……
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Jesus Died On Our Behalf
Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. (Isaiah 53: 4-6).
It is Good Friday! On Thursday evening two thousand years ago, Jesus had the Last Supper with His twelve disciples. At supper, what hurt Him most was the betrayal of Judas, one of His disciples. Jesus did not condemn him. However, He said, “Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed!” He did not say, “Woe to Judas by whom the Son of Man is betrayed!” He was actually giving an opportunity for him to repent. Unfortunately Judas did not make it. And for just 30 pieces of silver, which was the price of a slave, he betrayed the Lord whom he lived with for three and a half years.
As Christians, we too have betrayed the Lord in one way or another. Say, some Christians are so embarrassed to identify their belief in front of others. Or for some, when their lives are threatened (especially in situations where persecution is prevalent among antichrist governments), would choose to deny Jesus. Or even for some, their faith in the Lord is getting colder each day. Such move is likened to crucifying the Lord once more.
Good Friday is a time for Christians to check their lives for any areas that are not pleasing to the Lord. It is also a time for the world to see how miserable their states of life are. Jesus was nailed to the Cross. “He must be a great a sinner,” thought the crowd at Calvary, “For He had to suffer such a cruel punishment from God!” They were ignorant that Jesus laid down His life for them on His own initiative. John 3: 16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Two thousand years ago, Jesus forsook His riches in Heaven. “And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a Cross.” (Philippians 2: 5-8).
Jesus was sinless, but yet He had to bear the sins of mankind. There had been a great struggle deep within His spirit. Soon after the Last Supper with His disciples, He prayed fervently in the Garden of Gethsemane. Three times did He negotiate with the Father to let the cup (death on the Cross) pass from Him. And for each round of negotiation, He too pleaded, “Not as I will, but as You will.” The Bible says, “His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” (Luke 22: 44). It shows that behind the scene, there was a great spiritual warfare going on. Jesus confronted Satan. The third pleading was final, and Jesus had determined to drink the cup! He won the war. No other forces (including the persuasions of Pontius Pilate) could change His mind to embrace the suffering of the Cross.
God made our ancestors, Adam and Eve, a sinless mankind. When they had consumed the forbidden fruit, curse was sent upon men – the curse of death! “For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners.” (Romans 5: 19). When Adam sinned, not only was mankind accursed but the ground as well. Subsequently, in pain, men shall eat of it all the days of their life (Genesis 3: 17 – 19).
Thank God, “By The One Man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.” (Romans 5: 19). Should Jesus be disobedient to the Father in embracing the Cross for mankind, we would never have salvation. “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’.” (Galatians 3: 13 – 14). Chapters 27 to 30 of Deuteronomy tell us more about the consequences of curse, including deaths, pestilences, poverty, etc.
When we received the sacrificial work of Jesus, we are saved. He had taken from us curses which He hung on the tree at Calvary. “But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1: 12). What you need to do now is to make this simple prayer, and mean it in your heart. “Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I ask of You to forgive me. Now I want to invite You into my heart to be my Savior and Lord. Amen!”
It is Good Friday! On Thursday evening two thousand years ago, Jesus had the Last Supper with His twelve disciples. At supper, what hurt Him most was the betrayal of Judas, one of His disciples. Jesus did not condemn him. However, He said, “Woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed!” He did not say, “Woe to Judas by whom the Son of Man is betrayed!” He was actually giving an opportunity for him to repent. Unfortunately Judas did not make it. And for just 30 pieces of silver, which was the price of a slave, he betrayed the Lord whom he lived with for three and a half years.
As Christians, we too have betrayed the Lord in one way or another. Say, some Christians are so embarrassed to identify their belief in front of others. Or for some, when their lives are threatened (especially in situations where persecution is prevalent among antichrist governments), would choose to deny Jesus. Or even for some, their faith in the Lord is getting colder each day. Such move is likened to crucifying the Lord once more.
Good Friday is a time for Christians to check their lives for any areas that are not pleasing to the Lord. It is also a time for the world to see how miserable their states of life are. Jesus was nailed to the Cross. “He must be a great a sinner,” thought the crowd at Calvary, “For He had to suffer such a cruel punishment from God!” They were ignorant that Jesus laid down His life for them on His own initiative. John 3: 16 says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Two thousand years ago, Jesus forsook His riches in Heaven. “And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a Cross.” (Philippians 2: 5-8).
Jesus was sinless, but yet He had to bear the sins of mankind. There had been a great struggle deep within His spirit. Soon after the Last Supper with His disciples, He prayed fervently in the Garden of Gethsemane. Three times did He negotiate with the Father to let the cup (death on the Cross) pass from Him. And for each round of negotiation, He too pleaded, “Not as I will, but as You will.” The Bible says, “His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” (Luke 22: 44). It shows that behind the scene, there was a great spiritual warfare going on. Jesus confronted Satan. The third pleading was final, and Jesus had determined to drink the cup! He won the war. No other forces (including the persuasions of Pontius Pilate) could change His mind to embrace the suffering of the Cross.
God made our ancestors, Adam and Eve, a sinless mankind. When they had consumed the forbidden fruit, curse was sent upon men – the curse of death! “For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners.” (Romans 5: 19). When Adam sinned, not only was mankind accursed but the ground as well. Subsequently, in pain, men shall eat of it all the days of their life (Genesis 3: 17 – 19).
Thank God, “By The One Man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.” (Romans 5: 19). Should Jesus be disobedient to the Father in embracing the Cross for mankind, we would never have salvation. “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree’.” (Galatians 3: 13 – 14). Chapters 27 to 30 of Deuteronomy tell us more about the consequences of curse, including deaths, pestilences, poverty, etc.
When we received the sacrificial work of Jesus, we are saved. He had taken from us curses which He hung on the tree at Calvary. “But to all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1: 12). What you need to do now is to make this simple prayer, and mean it in your heart. “Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I ask of You to forgive me. Now I want to invite You into my heart to be my Savior and Lord. Amen!”
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