Saturday, November 28, 2009

'BTN taught me the Chinese are the Jews of Asia'

1Malaysia? Forget it! PM Najib is not sincere. His policy showed that he is still playing the race-card. What is wrong with Jews? Many people are jealous about the Jews because they are the people of God Yahweh, the only true God of all. Why was BN afraid of the Jews? And the Chinese too? What will MCA & Gerakan do about this?

by Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 27 — I am one of the privileged few to have attended a local public university and learned the meaning of hate, thanks to the ever popular Biro Tata Negara.

All undergraduates were forced to attend this programme or else they would not be eligible for graduation.

The BTN under the Prime Minister’s Department brought in “intellectual” speakers who were supposed to enlighten the students about the meaning of being a Malaysian but instead it felt more like a communist propaganda camp brainwashing those attending about the importance of “Ketuanan Melayu”.

The camp would usually take place during the weekends. Students would have to register early in the morning and the programme would last the whole day.

The organisers were always on their guard, asking participants to show their student identification cards each time they entered the hall, fearing the presence of outsiders.

In the hall, students were asked to turn off their mobile phones.

During the lectures, questions were planted among the audience and the students were advised not to ask any other questions.

One speaker began with the history of Malaysia and how much the country had gone through, always emphasising the May 13 riots.

He stressed the point of how much the Malays had sacrificed and how the community should be united especially from outside threat — the Chinese community.

He said that the Chinese community were “the Jews of Asia” and were just itching to take over when Malays were disunited and broken.

The speaker also revealed a greater Chinese conspiracy where the Chinese Malaysians were working together with Singapore to topple the Malay government.

“Do you want to become like the Malays in Singapore?” he asked.

He also went so far as to criticise Malay girls for dating boys from other races.

He added that they should not be cheap and embarrass their families.

Once, a student told the speaker that as Muslims, we should also respect other races who are also Muslims.

“All Muslims are Malays so it does not matter if they are Chinese or Indians. If they are Muslims then they are Malays,” the speaker replied.

This is why I was relieved when I learned that the Selangor government had moved to ban its civil servants, employees of state subsidiaries and students at state-owned education institutions from attending any BTN courses with immediate effect.

However I believe racism in varsities does not end at BTN because classrooms have also become victims of ignorant scholars.

My friend was verbally abused during his sociology class when he did not agree with the points made by his lecturer.

“You must be DKK,” the lecturer told him.

“What is DKK?” he asked.

“You must be darah keturunan keling (descendents of Indians),” the lecturer said, pointing to his dark skin.

My Saudi friend was also shocked by the comments made by his lecturer in his Islamic civilisation class.

“We should save our Orang Asli from the Chinese people. They are like the Palestinians and the Chinese are Israel. We must fight the Jews,” the lecturer told his students.

The lecturer even failed one of his students in his oral exam when he quoted a Western scholar in his presentation.

“You should be ashamed of yourselves. You are a Muslim and should only use Islamic scholars,” he scolded the student.

I was personally saddened when my Islamic law lecturer compared Christianity to Head & Shoulder’s 3 in 1 shampoo in referring to the religion’s Holy Trinity.

I feel that racism has been institutionalised in our country and that BTN is only the tip of the iceberg.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin defended BTN yesterday and claimed that it was not racist but is line with the 1 Malaysia concept.

I have to humbly disagree and would like to suggest maybe the ministers should bring their overseas children home and let them have a taste of what BTN is.


国油站买不到 RON 97

几个月前,政府推出新配方汽油RON 95取代旧的RON 92。原本RON 97 卖每公升1.80令吉即涨价至2.05令吉。而RON 95即卖1.80令吉,让人不感觉汽油涨价的压力。

但国油站出现一种“怪”现象,即大多数油站已经不卖RON 97,只有RON 95。我绕了许多家国油站,八打灵和我住的梳邦市都找不到RON 97。反而在外埠才勉强找到它,但看来很快就一概不卖它了!我希望透过“星洲日报沟通平台”向国企部进谏,希望它们会纠正做法。若该部门没官员读懂中文忽略此建议,我希望首相的中文政治秘书可传达信息给首相。

虽然说RON 95的性能是好的,但政府控制的国油站也不能消除RON 97 的供应,以为了更广泛地推广RON 95。这种变相做法跟强制车主改用汽油无异,不是一个自由贸易国家当有的做法。

如果以商业的角度来看,国油站肯定是输家,因为许多想用RON 97 的顾客只好去光顾另家的油站,这政策对国油站业主有欠公平,因为收入流失了!以商业的角度看,也包括顾客是最重要的,业主务必满足他们的需要。

以目前政府对国油站的政策,更像是“爱国式”的做生意手法,它希望鼓励车主多用 RON 95。这样讲乃因政府无法保持油价不涨,所以 RON 95 是维持 RON 97 旧价的借口。国油站不卖 RON 97 是让政府“证明 RON 95 是优质油。但政府没有考量到新车和高性能的车最好用 RON 97,还有一些很照顾车的车主想维持使用 RON 97 的事情。除此,大多数车主喜欢某牌子的汽油,他们不想转换其他的牌子,政府不应该抹杀他们的选择。

Cocoa and Migraine

Cocoa Enriched Diets May Be Beneficial In Treatment Of Migraine
Main Category: Headache / Migraine
Also Included In: Nutrition / Diet
Article Date: 16 Sep 2009 - 1:00 PDT

For several years, researchers have been interested in the value of Theobroma cacao in treating a variety of disorders. A new study presented at the International Headache Society's 14th International Headache Congress hosted by the American Headache Society (AHS) in Philadelphia, has provided the first evidence for the value of cocoa as a dietary supplement in repressing inflammatory responses within the trigeminal ganglia which are thought to play a role in migraine.

"It appears that a cocoa-enriched diet in rats can repress the proteins that are associated with the promotion and maintenance of inflammatory responses such as migraine," said Paul L. Durham, PhD of Missouri State University's Center for Biomedical & Life Sciences, an author of the study.

"Although this is an early animal study, it shows promise in helping researchers understand more about how migraine can be prevented and treated," said Michael Moskowitz, MD, President of the International Headache Society. "So much more research is needed in understanding this devastating disease that robs millions of Americans of a productive quality of life." Some 36 million Americans suffer with migraine, more than either diabetes or asthma.

More than 400 scientific papers and posters are to be presented during the IHC/AHS meeting which is expected to draw some 1,200 migraine specialists and scientists from around the globe. The meeting is the world's largest professional conference on migraine and headache-related diseases.


International Headache Society, and

Friday, November 20, 2009



寥中莱刚出任卫生部长时,声称这个部长职位是“地狱部长”。他是用英文的 Minister of Hell 作为 Minister of Health 的谐音。之所以是“地狱部长”,乃因过去每个卫生部长都没有好收场的。这次看来寥中莱的职位冻过冰。马华有必要破除此职位的咒诅,要如何,我没头绪。不过,不防把烫手山芋丢给巫统,卫生部长换给它们去出任。

