You are a highly educated person and one with the ability to think. As such, you are probably aware that the welfare of this nation rests on more than just the MCA winning its share of seats at the next general election and remaining in the coalition that holds the power to decide the fate of Malaysia. You are probably aware that the way forward for Malaysia is renouncing the way of the Barisan Nasional, led by Umno, falling back on an outdated decades-old formula. And that if you and the MCA continue to collude with the other parties in BN to retain power, you are subscribing to practices that could lead the nation to racial rifts and economic ruin. Source: |
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Open Letter to Chua Soi Lek
Friday, January 7, 2011
中国词汇是生动的,“舞狮”是动词也是名词。把“舞狮”解释为一只舞动的狮,它就是名词。例如“我们去看舞狮”(名词);而“我们去看他们舞狮”(动词)。不过我们不应跟英文“Lion dance”作比较而指“舞狮”与它格格不入。再者“Lion dance”是正确国际英文用词,而不是大马式英文用词。
的作业本中收录了“狮子舞”而非“舞狮”这个做法並不完全不適合。在马来西亚式的英语教学中“lion dance”似乎就是“狮子舞”直译而来的用词,所以这两者关係为之密切,倒是“舞狮”这个词与它格格不入。
另,低年级孩子在思维上属於直线式思考,在教学上就字面解释对他们会是最理想的方法。因此“狮 子舞”的“舞”所指的就是“舞蹈”,与“狮子”合成后,教师只要就字面上的解释,孩子就能容易理解。反之,“舞狮”中的“舞”却產生了词性变化,从原本的 名词转化成了“舞动”、“挥舞”的动词之用。对於这样复杂的词性歷程,教师可能真的没有办法对思路不成熟的孩子一一说清。
笔者认为,词汇的普遍性及实用性也是非常重要的,出版社所採用的词汇也应该依此基准。词汇是没 有生命的,它可能会隨著时代的改变而萍踪浪跡,所以不时淘汰也是我们难以劝阻的。笔者委劝出版社在课本或作业本中注入新词之际,也不要忘了在该词后附加惯 用词,如:狮子舞(又称“舞狮”)或舞狮(又称“狮子舞”)。除了能平缓出版社及家长两种不同思维的声音,对孩子而言多学一词並没有大害。
从这事情看来,肩负最大责任的並不是家长或孩子,笔者认为出版社才是真正能提昇孩子中文素质的 推手,因此在教材设计上除了求变也要求质。多样化的作业本能培养孩子不同层面的思考,这是一件好事,所以作业本上有不一样的突破是件创意之事,不过千万別 忘了不完善的设计將是孩子前进的绊脚石。
“上升股”变化使用“upped, rose, increased, soared, climbed, gained, added, plus, shot, grew, got, swelled, ….”,而“下降股”用“downed, sank, decreased, slipped, dropped, lost, subtracted, minus, shed, shrunk, ....”。我想,五千年优秀的中文,为何不用丰富形容词呢?中文岂不是有“上升股”的“上、升、起、增、扬、攀、得、加、飙、长、胀 ….”,而“下降股的“下、沉、落、降、滑、跌、失、减、削、损、少、缩 ….”吗?
学中文不要自我矮化,即使是沟通,倘若能使用丰富的词汇来形容岂不是很生动吗?我们经常听到说我国华裔中文水准持续滑落,当报道去年的UPSR评估试作文和理解滑落时,真的有虞。我国必须提升中文老师的水准,各华裔人士也不妨从中港台的电视节目多学习,以自我提升。Thursday, January 6, 2011
解决这件委任州秘书的纠纷其实不必劳师动众需要修改州宪法的,我认为首相能够扮演一个重要的角色。联邦政府只需跟雪州政府协商,视雪州人民的利益为大前提,委任一个能够跟雪州大臣合作的州秘书就是最佳做法。Wednesday, January 5, 2011
In Najib’s silence, priests forced to clarify ‘blunder’

The Malaysian Insider understands that over the weekend, Catholic priests were forced to address the issue as it had caused an uproar among parishioners who questioned why the church had adhered to such “overzealous” requests, allegedly made by the prime minister’s aide.
But the leaders also agreed that despite their attempts at defusing the situation, the “damage has already been done”, resulting in a rekindling of the same tension that rose during last year’s “Allah” controversy.
Father Simon Labrooy, who spoke on the issue during two separate masses, predicted that the Christian community’s anger was not likely to dissipate until the premier publicly clarified his stand.
He agreed that the administration, now mulling snap polls, would encounter an “angry” Christian electorate if it failed to address the issue.
“Najib should say something about it... he should make a statement to clarify whether the instruction had indeed been given and whether he plans to take action against the person who stirred up this whole thing.
“If the instruction truly did not come from him, then he should take action because this whole thing has created disharmony and animosity among Christian followers,” he told The Malaysian Insider when contacted.

It was reported that an official from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) confirmed that the premier had been “completely unaware” of the directive issued by his aide.
The official was also quoted as saying that the PMO would not respond to the incident as it did not want to prolong the issue but gave its assurance that the aide, a non-Muslim, had been advised against repeating such a directive without going through senior officials.
The aide had reportedly listed out several conditions on Catholic Archbishop Murphy Pakiam to facilitate Najib’s attendance at the Christmas tea-party held at his home, including the removal of religious symbols like crucifixes from the venue.
Questions later arose over whether the archbishop had complied with the requests, resulting in rising anger among the Christian community towards both Najib and Pakiam himself.
Labrooy said he was forced to clear the air over the issue by explaining during his sermons that the archbishop had not “compromised God for man’s need” and had not complied with the requests.
A parishioner told The Malaysian Insider that the Catholic priest had repeated his words twice, first during New Year’s and again the following Sunday, that Pakiam had not submitted to the directive despite speculations suggesting otherwise.
“Father Simon said that he was aware of the many speculations and how people were upset that the archbishop had complied with the requests.
“He told us that the Catholic church had stood its ground and refused to comply. But it makes little difference. Najib should apologise and fire his aide,” said the church-goer.
Labrooy confirmed this with The Malaysian Insider, adding that he had wanted to silence conjecture on the issue.
“There seems to be suggestions that Pakiam had relented to the requests and this is putting him in a bad light. It is not right.
“However, it is true... the damage has already been done. Many people are very angry that the directive was issued in the first place and this does will not look good on the government,” he said.
Father Michael Chua agreed with Labrooy and stressed that Pakiam had not needed to comply with the directive as the function had been held at the carpark of his home where there were no Christian symbols.
“I was there and there had been no changes to the itinerary for the function. It is just that the prime minister came at the time when prayers had already been said.
“Also, it was at the carpark, so there was no removal of crosses or anything. The reports in the media suggested that we had to remove them but it is not true,” he said.
Chua is in charge of the Ministry of Ecumenical and Inter-religious Affairs of the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese, and is a part of the Christian Federation of Malaysia which organised the function on Christmas day last year.
He admitted that since the media exposed the issue last week, religious leaders have been finding it difficult to explain the matter to their followers.
“We have been having problems explaining to the congregation. The most important thing is the context of the matter — it was a carpark and there were no crosses there.
“We have been having it here for the past few years and this was just the first time that the prime minister attended. There was no deliberate removal [of Christian symbols] and we did not take seriously any of the requests,” he said.
Chua stressed that the function had gone on according to plan and it had also seen the attendance of political leaders from the opposition.
“But many people have been angered by this. First, they directed their anger to the government and then to the archbishop and this is not fair. We have been trying to explain it but many do not want to hear the explanation,” he said.
Chua would not say if he felt the prime minister should apologise on behalf of his aide but insisted that the matter not be taken out of context.
“Also, it was a CFM affair, hosted by the archbishop. CFM will meet soon and perhaps then we will discuss it. If we have an issue with it, we will take it up with the authorities,” he said.
The Malaysian Insider reported last week that the prime minister’s aide had issued a list of directives to Pakiam to facilitate Najib’s attendance at the Christmas tea-party on Christmas day.
Among the directives given were: to remove any overt Christian symbol, such as crucifixes, from the party premises and that carollers not belt out hymns and not to quote from Scriptures or say any Christian prayers during the visit.
At the time of publication, Pakiam could not be reached for comment.
Pakiam reportedly said this week that the directive was probably issued by an “overzealous officer”. He also refused to wade deeper into the matter by saying, “Let us not waste time on things like these.”